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All Counties
Beaverhead - 01
Big Horn - 02
Blaine - 03
Broadwater - 04
Carbon - 05
Carter - 06
Cascade - 07
Chouteau - 08
Custer - 09
Daniels - 10
Dawson - 11
Deer Lodge - 12
Fallon - 13
Fergus - 14
Flathead - 15
Gallatin - 16
Garfield - 17
Glacier - 18
Golden Valley - 19
Granite - 20
Hill - 21
Jefferson - 22
Judith Basin - 23
Lake - 24
Lewis & Clark - 25
Liberty - 26
Lincoln - 27
Madison - 28
McCone - 29
Meagher - 30
Mineral - 31
Missoula - 32
Musselshell - 33
Park - 34
Petroleum - 35
Phillips - 36
Pondera - 37
Powder River - 38
Powell - 39
Prairie - 40
Ravalli - 41
Richland - 42
Roosevelt - 43
Rosebud - 44
Sanders - 45
Sheridan - 46
Silver Bow - 47
Stillwater - 48
Sweet Grass - 49
Teton - 50
Toole - 51
Treasure - 52
Valley - 53
Wheatland - 54
Wibaux - 55
Yellowstone - 56
All Districts
Absarokee Elem - 0861
Absarokee H S - 0862
Action for Eastern MT Head Sta - 8011
Adaskavich SDA School - 9398
Alberton K-12 Schools - 0577
Alder Elem - 0536
Alzada Elem - 0096
Amsterdam Elem - 0376
Anaconda Elem - 0236
Anaconda H S - 0237
Anaconda-Deer Lodge Head Start - 6671
Anderson Elem - 0366
Apostle Lutheran Schl - 9399
Arlee Elem - 0474
Arlee H S - 0475
Arrowhead Elem - 1215
Ashland Elem - 0800
Auchard Creek Elem - 0498
Augusta Elem - 0502
Augusta H S - 0503
Avon Elem - 0720
AWARE Center For Excellence - 8021
Ayers Elem - 1218
Bainville K-12 Schools - 0785
Baker K-12 Schools - 0244
Baptist Academy - 9939
Basin Elem - 0455
Bear Paw Elem - 0048
Beaverhead County H S - 0006
Belfry K-12 Schools - 0076
Belgrade Elem - 0368
Belgrade H S - 0369
Belt Elem - 0112
Belt H S - 0113
Benjamin Franklin Academy - 9938
Benton Lake Elem - 0171
Biddle Elem - 0692
Big Horn Valley Christian - 9995
Big Sandy K-12 - 0138
Big Sky School K-12 - 1239
Big Timber Elem - 0865
Bigfork Elem - 0330
Bigfork H S - 0331
Billings Christian Sc - 9865
Billings Elem - 0965
Billings H S - 0966
Birch Creek Colony - 9216
Birney Elem - 0789
Blackfeet Early Childhood Cntr - 8009
Blgs Central Catholic H S - 9050
Bloomfield Elem - 0215
Blue Creek Elem - 0968
Bonner Elem - 0590
Boulder Elem - 0456
Box Elder Elem - 0425
Box Elder H S - 0426
Bozeman Christian - 9906
Bozeman Elem - 0350
Bozeman H S - 0351
Bridger K-12 Schools - 0059
Broadus Elem - 0705
Broadview Elem - 0978
Broadview H S - 0979
Brockton Elem - 0782
Brockton H S - 0783
Brorson Elem - 0749
Browning Elem - 0400
Browning H S - 0401
Butte Central High School - 9131
Butte Christian School - 9973
Butte Elem - 0840
Butte H S - 1212
Butte Head Start - 8003
Butte Montessori - 9959
Bynum Elem - 0889
Canyon Creek Elem - 0969
Capstone Christian Academy - 9998
Cardwell Elem - 0458
Carter County H S - 0097
Cascade County Juvenile Detent - 8017
Cascade Elem - 0101
Cascade H S - 0102
Cayuse Prairie Elem - 0317
Centerville Elem - 0104
Centerville H S - 0105
Central Acres School - 9241
Central Elem School - 9863
Central Junior High - 9228
Central Montana Head Start - 6644
Central MT Christian Schl - 9975
Charlo Elem - 1205
Charlo H S - 1206
Chester-Joplin-Inverness El - 1236
Chester-Joplin-Inverness HS - 1237
Child Start Inc. - 8016
Children's House - 9943
Chinook Elem - 0028
Chinook H S - 0029
Choteau Adventist H S - 9958
Choteau Adventist Sch - 9885
Choteau Elem - 0883
Choteau H S - 0884
Christ Assembly 4 Sq - 9897
Christ's Church Academy - 9962
Christian Liberty Elem - 9934
Christian Liberty H S - 9935
Circle Elem - 0547
Circle H S - 0548
Clancy Elem - 0452
Clark Fork Christian Ctr - 9989
Cleveland Elem - 0032
Clinton Elem - 0595
Cntrl Mt Christian Hm - 9848
Cohagen Elem - 0387
Colstrip Elem - 0796
Colstrip H S - 0797
Columbia Falls Elem - 0312
Columbia Falls H S - 0313
Columbus Elem - 0848
Columbus H S - 0849
Community Christian Schl - 9926
Conrad Christian Schl - 9725
Conrad Elem - 0674
Conrad H S - 0675
Cooke City Elem - 0617
Cornerstone Chrn Acd - 9804
Corvallis K-12 Schools - 0731
Cottonwood Elem - 0359
Cottonwood Elem - 0445
Cramer Creek School, Inc. - 9984
Creston Elem - 0316
Crestview Academy - 9915
Crow Tribe Head Start - 8010
Crs Cur Chrstn School - 9712
CSKT Early Childhood Services - 8004
Culbertson Elem - 0777
Culbertson H S - 0778
Custer County H S - 0192
Custer K-12 Schools - 0975
Cut Bank Elem - 0402
Cut Bank H S - 0403
Darby K-12 Schools - 0740
Davey Elem - 0424
Dawson H S - 0207
De La Salle Blackfeet School - 9974
Deer Creek Elem - 1193
Deer Lodge Elem - 0712
Deer Park Elem - 0307
Deerfield Elem - 0264
Denton Elem - 0281
Denton H S - 0282
Dept of Corrections-Adult - 9029
Dept of Corrections-Youth - 9034
DeSmet Elem - 0592
Dillon Elem - 0005
Discovery Schl Arts/Sci - 9909
Divide Elem - 0843
Dixon Elem - 0809
Dodson K-12 - 0648
Downtown School - 9957
Drummond Elem - 0419
Drummond H S - 0420
Dupuyer Elem - 0671
Dutton/Brady K-12 Schools - 1235
East End Colony - 9740
East End Colony H S - 9931
East Glacier Park Elem - 0404
East Helena K-12 - 1240
Ekalaka Elem - 0087
Elder Grove Elem - 0972
Elliston Elem - 0719
Elysian Elem - 0981
Ennis K-12 Schools - 0546
Eureka Elem - 0527
Evergreen Elem - 0339
Fair-Mont-Egan Elem - 0308
Fairfield Elem - 0890
Fairfield H S - 0891
Fairview Elem - 0750
Fairview H S - 0751
Family Worship Center - 9896
Fergus H S - 0259
First Lutheran School - 9999
Fishtail Elem - 0853
Flathead H S - 0311
Florence-Carlton K-12 Schls - 0743
Forsyth Elem - 0790
Forsyth H S - 0791
Fort Belknap Head Start - 8008
Fort Benton Elem - 0133
Fort Benton H S - 0134
Fort Peck Head Start - 6670
Fort Peck Indian Youth Service - 8018
Fortine Elem - 0529
Frazer Elem - 0927
Frazer H S - 0928
Frenchtown K-12 Schools - 0599
Froid Elem - 0786
Froid H S - 0787
Fromberg K-12 - 0072
Frontier Elem - 0774
Galata Elem - 0915
Gallatin Gateway Elem - 0364
Gardiner Elem - 0614
Gardiner H S - 1191
Garfield County H S - 0378
Garrison Elem - 0718
Gentry Christian School - 9969
Geraldine K-12 - 0154
Geyser K-12 Schools - 0473
Gildford Colony Elem - 1217
Glacier Christian Schl - 9645
Glacier View Christian - 9646
Glasgow K-12 Schools - 0926
Glendive Elem - 0206
Golden Ridge Elem - 0896
Gospel Light School - 9920
Grace Montessori Academy - 9976
Grant Elem - 0003
Grass Range Elem - 0268
Grass Range H S - 0269
Great Beginnings - 9892
Great Falls Cent Cath HS - 9979
Great Falls Elem - 0098
Great Falls H S - 0099
Greenfield Elem - 0900
Greycliff Elem - 0872
Hall Elem - 0418
Hall HS - 9968
Hamilton Christian Acad - 9853
Hamilton K-12 Schools - 0735
Hardin Elem - 0023
Hardin H S - 1189
Harlem Elem - 0030
Harlem H S - 0031
Harlowton K-12 - 0946
Harrison K-12 Schools - 0543
Havre Elem - 0427
Havre H S - 0428
Hawks Home Elem - 0078
Hays-Lodge Pole K-12 Schls - 1213
Head Start Inc Billings - 8012
Headwaters Academy - 9893
Heart Butte K-12 Schools - 1226
Helena Christian School - 9945
Helena Community School - 9921
Helena Elem - 0487
Helena Flats Elem - 0320
Helena H S - 0488
Hellgate Elem - 0586
Helmville Elem - 0717
Henry Wdswrth Lngfllw Acd - 9898
Heritage Baptist School - 9978
Heritge Chrstn Schl - 9404
Highwood K-12 - 0146
Hilldale Colony Schl - 9202
Hinsdale Elem - 0932
Hinsdale H S - 0933
Hobson K-12 Schools - 0469
Holy Spirit Catholic Schl - 9977
Holy Spirit School - 9256
Hot Springs K-12 - 0815
HRDC 4- Northern Havre Head St - 8013
HRDC Bozeman Head Start - 8002
Huntley Project K-12 Schools - 0983
Hysham K-12 Schools - 0923
Immaclt Hrt Mary Acad - 9914
Independent Elem - 0989
Intermtn Childrens Home - 9668
Jackson Elem - 0014
Jefferson H S - 0457
Joliet Elem - 0060
Joliet H S - 0061
Jordan Elem - 0377
Judith Gap Elem - 0948
Judith Gap H S - 0949
Kalispell Elem - 0310
Kalispell Montessori - 9818
Kester Elem - 0386
Kila Elem - 0323
King Colony Elem - 0272
Kinsey Elem - 0187
Kircher Elem - 0173
Knees Elem - 0161
Kootenai Valley Christian - 9954
Kootenai Valley Head Start - 6669
Lambert Elem - 0768
Lambert H S - 0769
Lame Deer Elem - 0792
Lame Deer H S - 1230
LaMotte Elem - 0367
Laurel Elem - 0970
Laurel H S - 0971
Lavina K-12 Schools - 0411
Lewistown Elem - 0258
Libby Advntst El Schl - 9394
Libby K-12 Schools - 0522
Liberty Christian Sch - 9407
Liberty Elem - 1224
Lighthouse Christian Academy - 9985
Lima K-12 Schools - 0009
Lincoln County H S - 0528
Lincoln K-12 Schools - 1221
Lindsay Elem - 0216
Livingston Elem - 0612
Lockwood K-12 - 1241
Lodge Grass Elem - 0025
Lodge Grass H S - 1190
Lolo Elem - 0588
Lone Rock Elem - 0741
Loyola-Sacred Heart H S - 9021
Lustre Christian High Schl - 9016
Lustre Elem - 0941
Luther Elem - 1231
Malmborg Elem - 0370
Malta K-12 Schools - 0659
Manhattan Christian - 9054
Manhattan Christian Schl - 9199
Manhattan High School - 0348
Manhattan School - 0347
Marion Elem - 0341
McCormick Elem - 0530
McLeod Elem - 0875
Medicine Lake K-12 Schools - 0822
Melstone Elem - 0607
Melstone H S - 0608
Melville Elem - 0868
Miami Elem - 0684
Middle Creek Montessori - 9997
Miles City Elem - 0172
Miller Colony H S - 9929
Miller Colony School - 9233
Mission Mountain School - 9919
Mission Valley Chrst Elem - 9924
Mission Valley Chrst H S - 9925
Missoula County Juvenile Deten - 8020
Missoula Elem - 0583
Missoula H S - 0584
Missoula Mountain School - 9970
Monforton Elem - 0363
Mont Helena Adventist - 9742
Mont Sch for Deaf Blind - 9258
Montana City Elem - 0460
Moore Elem - 0273
Moore H S - 0274
Morin Elem - 0976
Mount Ellis Academy - 9197
Mount Ellis Academy H S - 9009
Mountain View Elem - 1222
Mountainview Prchl - 9411
Mt Developmental Ctr - 9002
Mt View Church Schl - 9210
Nashua K-12 Schools - 0937
New Day Group Home - 9944
New Life Assembly Sch - 9911
New Life Assembly Sch - 9912
New Rockport Colony - 9234
New Rockport Colony H S - 9928
Nkwusm - 9993
North Cheyenne Trib Elem - 9028
North Harlem Colony Elem - 1216
North Star Elem - 1233
North Star HS - 1234
Northern Cheyenne Head Start - 8007
Northern Cheyenne Trib HS - 9246
Northwest Montana Head Start - 8005
Noxon Elem - 0811
Noxon H S - 0812
Nw Indian Bible High Schl - 9831
NW Indian Bible Schl - 9724
Nye Elem - 0857
Olney-Bissell Elem - 0342
Opheim K-12 Schools - 0935
Opportunities Inc Head Start - 8014
Our Ldy Of Lrds Schl - 9180
Ovando Elem - 0715
Palisades - 9179
Park City Elem - 0846
Park City H S - 0847
Park H S - 0613
Pass Creek Elem - 0362
Pendroy Elem - 0898
Philipsburg K-12 Schools - 0416
Pine Creek Elem - 0620
Pine Grove Elem - 0385
Pine Haven Chrst Yth - 9864
Pines Academy School - 9305
Pioneer Elem - 0987
Plains K-12 - 0803
Pleasant Valley Elem - 0325
Plenty Coups H S - 1214
Plentywood K-12 Schools - 0828
Plevna K-12 Schools - 0256
Polaris Elem - 0012
Polson Elem - 0477
Polson H S - 0478
Poplar Elem - 0775
Poplar H S - 0776
Potomac Elem - 0589
Powder River Co Dist H S - 0706
Powell County H S - 0713
Power Elem - 0894
Power H S - 0895
Prty Eagle Cthlc Sch - 9174
Pryor Elem - 0021
Ramsay Elem - 0842
Rapelje Elem - 0858
Rapelje H S - 0859
Rau Elem - 0754
Ravalli Head Start Inc - 8015
Red Lodge Elem - 0056
Red Lodge H S - 0057
Reed Point Elem - 0850
Reed Point H S - 0851
Reichle Elem - 0015
Richey Elem - 0227
Richey H S - 0228
RMDC Inc Head Start - 8001
Roberts K-12 Schools - 0069
Rockport Colony Schl - 9235
Rocky Boy Elem - 1207
Rocky Boy H S - 1229
Rocky Boy Head Start - 8006
Ronan Elem - 1199
Ronan H S - 1200
Rosebud K-12 - 0795
Ross Elem - 0394
Roundup Elem - 0605
Roundup High School - 0606
Roy K-12 Schools - 0280
Ryegate K-12 Schools - 0407
S Y Elem - 0189
Saco Elem - 1203
Saco H S - 0657
Sacred Heart School - 9187
Savage Elem - 0747
Savage H S - 0748
Scobey K-12 Schools - 0194
SDA School - 9839
Seeley Lake Elem - 0597
Shelby Elem - 0910
Shelby H S - 0911
Shepherd Elem - 0985
Shepherd H S - 0986
Sheridan Elem - 0537
Sheridan H S - 0538
Shields Valley Elem - 1227
Shields Valley H S - 1228
Shiloh Christian Acad - 9910
Shodair Specialty Hosp - 9751
Sidney Elem - 0745
Sidney H S - 0746
Simms H S - 0118
Smith Valley Elem - 0324
Somers Elem - 0327
Spring Creek Colony Elem - 0288
Spring Creek Elem - 0020
Spring Creek Lodge - 9972
Springdale Colony Sch - 9209
Springhill Elem - 0357
St Andrews Elem - 9992
St Andrews H S - 9953
St Charles Mission - 9047
St Francis Primary - 9243
St Ignatius K-12 Schools - 0481
St Josephs School - 9445
St Jude Thaddeus School - 9203
St Labre Catholic H S - 9222
St Labre Indian School - 9221
St Mary's School - 9214
St Matthews School - 9196
St Paul Mission Schl - 9176
St Regis K-12 Schools - 0582
Stanford K-12 Schools - 0464
Stevensville Elem - 0732
Stevensville H S - 0733
Stillwater Christian School - 9713
Sugar & Spice - 9890
Sun River Valley Elem - 1225
Sunburst K-12 Schools - 0903
Sunny Lorea School - 9927
Sunset Elem - 0594
Superior K-12 Schools - 0579
Surprise Creek School - 9392
Sussex School - 9395
Swan Lake-Salmon Elem - 0486
Swan River Elem - 0309
Swan Valley Elem - 0596
Sweet Grass County H S - 0882
Target Range Elem - 0593
Ted Lechner Youth Services - 8019
Terry K-12 Schools - 0726
The Learning Circle - 9849
Thompson Falls Elem - 0804
Thompson Falls H S - 0805
Three Forks Elem - 0360
Three Forks H S - 0361
Tongue River Farms LLC - 9971
Townsend K-12 Schools - 0055
Trail Creek Elem - 0177
Treasure State Acdmy - 9409
Trego Elem - 0534
Trinity Elem - 0491
Trinity Lutheran School - 9245
Trinity Lutheran School - 9011
Trout Creek Elem - 0807
Troy Elem - 0519
Troy H S - 0520
Turner Elem - 0044
Turner H S - 0045
Twin Bridges K-12 Schools - 0540
Two Eagle River Elem - 9951
Two Eagle River H S - 9396
Ulm Elem - 0131
Upper West Shore Elem - 1211
Valier Elem - 0679
Valier H S - 0680
Valley Adventist Schl - 9195
Valley Christian H S - 9747
Valley View Christian - 9880
Valley View Elem - 0483
Valley View SDA - 9410
Vaughn Elem - 0127
Victor K-12 Schools - 0738
Vida Elem - 0566
West Glacier Elem - 1223
West Valley Elem - 1184
West Yellowstone K-12 - 0374
Westby K-12 Schools - 0819
Westside Christian Acad - 9744
White Clay Immersion School - 9996
White Sulphur Spgs K-12 - 0570
Whitefish Elem - 0334
Whitefish H S - 0335
Whitehall Elem - 0453
Whitehall H S - 0454
Whitewater K-12 Schools - 0663
Wibaux K-12 Schools - 0964
Willow Creek Elem - 0354
Willow Creek H S - 0355
Winifred K-12 Schools - 0291
Winnett K-12 Schools - 0642
Wisdom Elem - 0010
Wise River Elem - 0007
Wolf Creek Elem - 0495
Wolf Point Elem - 0780
Wolf Point H S - 0781
Woodman Elem - 0591
World Family School - 9390
Wyola Elem - 0026
Yaak Elem - 0533
Yellowstone Academy Elem - 1196
Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch - 9980
Ylwstn Vly Chris Acad - 9400
Zurich Elem - 0034
All Schools
101 School - 0342
227 Academy- HS - 3029
227 Academy- middle school - 3028
Absarokee 6-8 - 1775
Absarokee High School - 1126
Absarokee School - 1125
Abundant Life - 9867
Abundant Life HS - 9299
Ackerly School - 0384
Acton School - 1303
Ada School - 0057
Ada School - 1604
Adaskavich Sda School - 9407
Adult & Basic Education - 1269
AEMT Head Start Glasgow - 9086
AEMT Head Start Glendive - 9083
AEMT Head Start Malta - 9085
AEMT Head Start Miles City - 9084
Agawam School - 1161
Alberton Elementary - 0765
Alberton High School - 0766
Alberton Middle School - 1730
Albion School - 0115
Alder School - 0719
Alkali Creek School - 1597
Allendale School - 1294
Alzada School - 0132
Amish Full Gos Lrng Ctr - 9686
Amo School - 0289
Amsterdam School - 0498
Anaconda Jr High School - 0325
Anaconda Jr High School - 1589
Anaconda Sr High School - 0326
Anaconda-Deer Lodge Head Start - 9067
Anceney School - 0493
Anderson 7-8 - 1703
Anderson School - 0488
Anderson School - 1013
Andes School - 0995
Anna Jeffries Elementary - 0545
Antelope High School - 1069
Antelope Point School - 1127
Antelope School - 0845
Antelope School - 1068
Apostle Lutheran - 9382
Apple School - 0202
Argenta School - 0002
Arlee 7-8 - 1640
Arlee Elementary - 0628
Arlee High School - 0629
Armington School - 0162
Armory School - 1426
Armstead School - 0014
Armstrong School - 0989
Arrow Creek Elem School - 0027
Arrowhead Elementary - 1564
Arrowhead Middle School - 1821
Arrowhead School - 1585
Arthur School - 0997
Ashland 7-8 - 1763
Ashland School - 1043
Ashley Creek School - 0458
Askin School - 0107
Auchard Creek School - 0671
Augusta 7-8 - 1722
Augusta Elementary School - 0676
Augusta High School - 0677
Austin School - 0672
Avalon School - 9881
Avon School - 0948
AWARE Center For Excellence - 9111
Ayers Colony School - 0385
Ayers Colony School - 1436
Ayers School - 1580
B A Winans School - 0822
Babb School - 0537
Badger Fisher School - 0896
Bagley School - 0007
Bainville 7-8 - 1760
Bainville High School - 1028
Bainville School - 1027
Baird School - 1246
Baker 7-8 - 0332
Baker High School - 0335
Baptist Academy - 9938
Baptist Academy - 9939
Baptist Building School - 1469
Baptist Tabernacle Acadmy - 9649
Barbara Gilligan 7-8 - 1759
Barbara Gilligan School - 1025
Baseline School - 1291
Basin Creek School - 1132
Basin School - 0609
Battle Butte School - 0445
Bay Horse School - 0917
Bear Creek School - 0926
Bear Gulch School - 0679
Bear Paw School - 0074
Bear Spring School - 0399
Beartooth School - 1559
Beaver Creek School - 0361
Beaver Creek School - 0867
Beaver Creek School - 0923
Beaver Creek School - 1192
Beaver Dam School - 0324
Beaverhead Co High School - 0023
Beaverton School - 1211
Becket School - 0405
Been School - 1249
Belfry 7-8 - 1675
Belfry High School - 0103
Belfry School - 0102
Belgrade High School - 0491
Belgrade Intermediate - 1812
Belgrade Middle School - 1575
Belle Creek School - 0919
Bellevue School - 0595
Belltower School - 0111
Belltower School - 0128
Belmont School - 0553
Belt 7-8 - 1678
Belt High School - 0169
Belt School - 0168
Ben Steele Middle School - 1853
Bench School - 1272
Benchland School - 0621
Benjamin Franklin Academy - 9937
Benjamin Franklin Academy - 9944
Benton Lake School - 0233
Benzien School - 0522
Bercail School - 1226
Berg School - 0884
Berry School - 0746
Bethel Church Center - 9103
Betts School - 0164
Bible Baptist - 9708
Bible Baptist School - 9831
Bicknese School - 0312
Biddle School - 0913
Big Bend School - 0038
Big Bend School - 0229
Big Dry School - 1591
Big Horn School - 1195
Big Horn Valley Christian - 9982
Big Rose Colony School - 1865
Big Sandy 7-8 - 1607
Big Sandy High School - 0195
Big Sandy Junior High School - 0196
Big Sky Christian - 9704
Big Sky Christian - 9828
Big Sky Christian School - 9859
Big Sky Colony School - 9400
Big Sky Elementary - 1638
Big Sky High School - 1592
Big Sky Sch For Gifted - 9217
Big Sky School - 1588
Big Stone School - 1654
Big Timber 7-8 - 1776
Big Timber School - 1129
Bigfork 6-8 - 1660
Bigfork Christian School - 9857
Bigfork Elementary - 0442
Bigfork High School - 0443
Billings Central Catholic HS - 9028
Billings Christian HS - 9282
Billings Christian Sch - 9850
Billings Early College School - 3005
Billings Montessori Schl - 9659
Billings Multilingual Academy - 3003
Billings Multilingual Academy - 3004
Billings Opportunity School - 3006
Billings Sr High School - 1250
Billings Vo Tech Center - 1522
Billings West High School - 1251
Billup School - 0927
Birch Creek Colony School - 0889
Birch Creek Colony School - 9348
Birch Creek School - 0005
Birch Grove School - 0461
Birney School - 1032
Bissell 7-8 - 1698
Bissell School - 0457
Bitterroot Christian Acad - 9653
Bitterroot Polytech 7-8 - 3020
Bitterroot Polytech HS - 3021
Bitterroot School - 1177
Bitterroot School - 1471
Blackfeet Early Childhood Cntr - 9078
Blackfoot Elem School - 0535
Blackfoot School - 0523
Blaine School - 1096
Blakeslee School - 0857
Blodgett View Christian - 9349
Bloomfield School - 0294
Blossburg School - 0951
Blue Creek School - 1278
Blue Sky Elem School - 0590
Bo Peep School - 1406
Boldt School - 0065
Bonner 6-8 - 1734
Bonner Elementary Center - 9104
Bonner School - 0794
Border School - 0567
Boston Coulee School - 0175
Bottles School - 0933
Boulder 7-8 - 1714
Boulder Elementary School - 0610
Boulder School - 1307
Bowdoin School - 0881
Bowers School - 0916
Box Elder 7-8 - 1710
Box Elder High School - 0571
Box Elder School - 0106
Box Elder School - 0166
Box Elder School - 0406
Box Elder School - 0570
Box Elder School - 0851
Boyd School - 0097
Boyes School - 0123
Bozeman Christian HS - 9301
Bozeman Christian School - 9880
Bozeman High School - 0473
Bozeman Montessori Schl - 9680
Bozeman Online Charter School - 3001
Bradbury School - 0316
Brady High School - 0901
Brady School - 0900
Bredette School - 1010
Bridge School - 1146
Bridger 7-8 - 1672
Bridger Charter School - 3027
Bridger Elementary School - 0085
Bridger High School - 0086
Broadus 7-8 - 1751
Broadus School - 0930
Broadview 7-8 - 1793
Broadview High School - 1293
Broadview School - 1292
Broadwater High School - 0081
Broadwater School - 0655
Broadwater School - 1255
Brockton High School - 1026
Brockway School - 0749
Bronc Fast Track - 3017
Brooks School - 0362
Brorson School - 0984
Brownell School - 0903
Browning Elementary - 1840
Browning High School - 0543
Browning Junior High - 1548
Browning Middle School - 1613
Brusett School - 0505
Bryan School - 0320
Bryant School - 0657
Buffalo School - 0377
Buhrer School - 0728
Burke School - 0692
Burlingame School - 0176
Burlington School - 1256
Burns Creek School - 0290
Butler Table School - 0318
Butte Central High School - 9319
Butte Christian School - 9872
Butte Christian School - 9969
Butte Christian School HS - 9310
Butte Creek School - 0279
Butte Creek School - 1438
Butte Head Start Main Center - 9070
Butte High School - 1103
Butte Montessori School - 9959
Butte Vo Tech Center - 1523
Bynum School - 1153
C M Russell High School - 1464
C R Anderson Junior High - 1481
C R Anderson Middle Schl - 1615
C R Anderson School - 0659
Calf Creek School - 1312
Calvert School - 0178
Cam Rose School - 1832
Camas Prairie School - 1056
Canyon Creek 6-8 - 1790
Canyon Creek School - 1279
Canyon Elementary - 0420
Canyon Ferry School - 0673
Cap Rock School - 1488
Capital High School - 1547
Capitol School - 0125
Capstone Christian Academy - 9986
Carbert School - 0278
Cardin School - 9845
Cardwell School - 0612
Carlyle School - 1242
Carter County High School - 0133
Carter School - 0221
Carter School - 1404
Carterville School - 1036
Cascade 6-8 - 1661
Cascade Colony School - 1657
Cascade Colony School - 9373
Cascade County Juvenile Detent - 9107
Cascade High School - 0157
Cascade School - 0158
Castle Rock Jr High - 1586
Castle Rock Middle School - 1631
Cat Creek School - 0532
Cat Creek School - 0854
Cat Creek School - 1458
Cayuse Prairie 7-8 - 1695
Cayuse Prairie School - 0429
Cecelia Hazelton School - 0076
Cent For Handicapped Chil - 1271
Center School - 0594
Centerville 6-8 - 1677
Centerville High School - 0161
Centerville School - 0160
Centerville School - 0315
Central Acres School - 9362
Central Elem School - 9849
Central Elementary - 0979
Central Heights School - 1308
Central Junior High - 9238
Central Mont Christian HS - 9296
Central Mont Christian Sh - 9839
Central MT Christian Schl - 9971
Central Park School - 0466
Central School - 0042
Central School - 0397
Central School - 0417
Central School - 0447
Central School - 0654
Central School - 0772
Central School - 0938
Central School - 1184
Central School - 1453
Charlo 6-8 - 1602
Charlo Elementary - 0635
Charlo High School - 0636
Cherry Creek School - 0557
Cherry Creek School - 1004
Cherry Valley School - 0632
Chester Grades 7-8 - 0685
Chester-Joplin-Inverness 7-8 - 1723
Chester-Joplin-Inverness HS - 0687
Chester-Joplin-Inverness Schl - 0684
Chestnut School - 1310
Chico School - 0827
Chief Charlo School - 1819
Chief Joseph Middle School - 1463
Chief Joseph School - 1408
Child Start Inc Main Center - 9102
Children's House - 9943
Chimney Creek School - 0346
Chinook 7-8 - 1798
Chinook High School - 0047
Chippewa School - 0386
Choteau 7-8 - 1777
Choteau Adventist HS - 9958
Choteau Adventist School - 9863
Choteau High School - 1148
Choteau School - 1147
Christ Assem 4 Sq Acad HS - 9305
Christ Assembly 4 Sq Acad - 9873
Christ's Church Acad El - 9962
Christ's Church Acad HS - 9963
Christian Liberty Admy EL - 9931
Christian Liberty High - 9934
Christina School - 0388
Circle High School - 0733
Clancy 7-8 - 1713
Clancy School - 0606
Clark Fork Christian Ctr - 9772
Clark Fork School - 9773
Clark Fork Val Christ Scl - 9941
Clarks Fork Adventist Ele - 9718
Cleveland School - 1401
Clinton 7-8 - 1738
Clinton School - 0799
Clyde Park High School - 0838
Clyde Park School - 0837
Coal Creek School - 0116
Coal Creek School - 0129
Coal Creek School - 0735
Coalridge School - 1081
Coalwood School - 0928
Coffee Creek School - 0387
Cohagen School - 0520
Cold Springs School - 0791
Cole School - 0043
Coll School - 0743
Collins School - 0155
Colstrip Christian Acad - 9862
Colstrip High School - 1040
Colstrip School - 1596
Columbia Falls Grade 6 - 1572
Columbia Falls High Schl - 0425
Columbia Falls Jr HS - 0419
Columbia Falls Primary 2 - 1796
Columbus Elem School - 1111
Columbus High School - 1112
Columbus Middle School - 1534
Columbus Middle School - 1772
Com Chapel Christ Sch - 9689
Comertown School - 1078
Community Christian Acad - 9695
Community Christian Schl - 9923
Community Covenant School - 9393
Community School - 0028
Conrad Christian Schl - 9688
Conrad Head Start - 9097
Conrad High School - 0893
Convergence Ministries Center - 9105
Cooke City School - 0828
Cool Spring Colony School - 1849
Coolidge School - 1075
Coram School - 0422
CORE School at Morningside El - 3016
Cornelius Hedges School - 0415
Cornerstone Academy - 9826
Cornerstone Academy - 9827
Cornerstone Chrn Acd - 9818
Cornerstone Chrn Acd HS - 9303
Cornish School - 0130
Corral Creek School - 1554
Corvallis 7-8 - 1558
Corvallis High School - 0964
Cottonwood School - 0254
Cottonwood School - 0364
Cottonwood School - 0481
Cottonwood School - 0604
Cottonwood School - 0833
Cottonwood School - 1224
Cottonwood School - 1468
Cottonwood School - 1475
Cow Creek School - 0753
Cow Island Trail School - 0068
Cow Island Trail School - 1514
Cowan School - 0830
Craig School - 0670
Cramer Creek School, Inc. - 7362
Crane School - 0993
Cree Crossing School - 0871
Creston School - 0428
Crestview Academy - 9889
Croff Wren School - 0542
Cross Currents Chrstn Sch - 9676
Cross S School - 0929
Crossroads Alternative HS - 1834
Crow Agency School - 0033
Crow Creek School - 0078
Crow Tribe Head Start - 9082
Crowe School - 0181
Crystal Lake School - 0701
Culbertson High School - 1018
Culbertson Junior High - 1758
Culbertson School - 1017
Cusker School - 0742
Custer 7-8 - 1792
Custer Co District High - 0266
Custer High School - 1289
Custer School - 1288
Cut Bank 6 School - 1804
Cut Bank Head Start - 9099
Cut Bank High School - 0547
Cut Bank Middle School - 0544
Cutting School - 0734
Daly School - 1533
Danvers School - 0383
Darby 7-8 - 1608
Darby Baptist Temple - 9690
Darby High School - 0974
Darby School - 0973
Davey Elementary - 0569
Davidson School - 0921
Dawson High School - 0284
Day Star Christian - 9709
Dayton School - 0646
De La Salle Blackfeet School - 9988
Dean School - 1117
Deep Creek School - 0847
Deep Creek School - 1455
Deer Creek School - 0285
Deer Creek School - 1448
Deer Lodge Center - 9106
Deer Park 6-8 - 1693
Deer Park School - 0409
Deerfield School - 0363
Dell School - 0016
Delphia School - 0807
Demersville School - 0431
Denton 6-8 - 1690
Denton High School - 0381
Denton School - 0380
DeSmet 6-8 - 1736
DeSmet School - 0796
Devlin School - 0575
Devon School - 1180
Dillon Christian HS - 9283
Dillon Christian School - 9854
Dillon Middle School - 0008
Discovery Schl Arts/Sci - 9883
Divide School - 0263
Divide School - 0317
Divide School - 1106
Dixon 7-8 - 1824
Dixon Elementary - 1052
Dixon High School - 1053
Dodson 7-8 - 1745
Dodson High School - 0863
Dodson School - 0862
Dog Creek School - 0228
Doheny School - 1152
Doran School - 1002
Dorner School - 0208
Douglas School - 1243
Dovetail School - 0856
Downtown School - 9957
Doyle School - 0022
Drummond 7-8 - 1709
Drummond High School - 0564
Drummond School - 0563
Dry Creek School - 1139
Dry Fork School - 0339
Duck Creek School - 1138
Duncan Colony School - 9360
Duncan Creek School - 0918
Dunkirk School - 1179
Dupuyer School - 0888
Dutton 7-8 - 1779
Dutton/Brady Elementary - 1156
Dutton/Brady High School - 1157
Dutton/Brady Middle School - 1750
E F Duvall 7-8 - 0937
E Helena Four Square - 9706
Eagle Cliffs Elementary - 1639
Eagle Creek Colony Schl - 9716
Eagle Creek School - 0694
Eagle High School - 1652
Eagle Rock School - 0568
Eagleton School - 0217
Eagleton-Haystack School - 0218
East Chinook School - 0060
East Copper School - 0761
East End Colony - 9703
East End Colony High Schl - 9928
East Evergreen School - 0453
East Farmington School - 1149
East Fork School - 0924
East Glacier Park School - 0548
East Helena High School - 1861
East Jr High School - 0135
East Junior High School - 1102
East Lone Butte School - 1001
East Middle School - 1633
East Middle School - 1641
East Plains School - 0301
East Side School - 0817
East Uall School - 0514
East Valley Middle School - 1720
Easter Seal Rehab Center - 1517
Eastern School - 1257
Eastgate School - 1636
Eastside School - 0045
Echo School - 0441
Edgar Elementary School - 0100
Edgar High School - 0101
Edgerton School - 0412
Edison School - 1229
Edna Thomas School - 0963
Egan School - 0430
Ekalaka 7-8 - 1676
Ekalaka Elementary School - 0118
Elder Grove 7-8 - 1791
Elder Grove School - 1285
Elim School - 0216
Elliston School - 0947
Elm Coulee School - 1007
Elmo School - 0630
Elrod School - 0414
Elysian Middle School - 1831
Elysian School - 1295
Emerson Annex School - 1527
Emerson Center - 9094
Emerson School - 0138
Emerson School - 1085
Emigrant School - 0843
Emily Dickinson School - 1813
Emma Dickinson School - 0786
Emmanual Christ Acad - 9852
Emmanual Christian - 9698
Emmanual Christian HS - 9294
Emmanuel Baptist School - 9422
Emond School - 0858
Ennis 7-8 - 1728
Ennis High School - 0731
Ennis Junior High School - 0730
Ennis School - 0729
Erickson School - 0906
Eskay School - 0210
Essex School - 0424
Ethridge Elem School - 1172
Eureka Christian High School - 9985
Eureka Elementary School - 0710
Eureka Middle School 5-8 - 1724
Eureka School - 0613
Evergreen 5-6 School - 1508
Evergreen Junior High - 0452
F E Miley School - 0197
Faber School - 0582
Fair-Mont-Egan Middle School - 1802
Fair-Mont-Egan School - 0410
Fairfield 7-8 - 1778
Fairfield Elementary School - 1154
Fairfield High School - 1155
Fairhaven Colony - 1655
Fairhaven Colony School - 9674
Fairhaven School - 9856
Fairview 6-8 - 1755
Fairview High School - 0987
Fairview School - 0029
Fairview School - 0222
Fairview School - 0297
Fairview School - 0393
Fairview School - 0986
Fairview School - 1173
Faith Babt Chris Schl - 9723
Faith Babt Chris Schl - 9829
Faith Baptist Academy - 9819
Faith Christian Academy - 9672
Faith Education Cntr - 9655
Faith Education Cntr - 9830
Fallon School - 0959
Fallon School - 1444
Faranuf Elementary - 1611
Faris School - 0890
Farmington School - 1151
Feeley School - 1108
Ferdig School - 1170
Fergus High School - 0358
Fergus School - 0395
Ferndale Elem School - 0644
Ferndale School - 0199
Fertile Prairie School - 0350
Fifteen Mile School - 1556
Finn School - 0943
First Lutheran School - 9987
Fish Lake School - 0894
Fish Trap School - 0327
Fishtail School - 1116
Flat Creek School - 0533
Flat School - 0950
Flathead High School - 0462
Flathead Pace Academy - 3018
Flatwillow Colony School - 9456
Flatwillow School - 0848
Flatwillow School - 1479
Flaxville 7-8 - 1684
Flaxville High School - 0274
Flaxville School - 0273
Fletcher Creek School - 0329
Florence Christ Acad - 9691
Florence-Carlton 6-8 - 1606
Florence-Carlton El Schl - 0976
Florence-Carlton HS - 0977
Flowing Well School - 0513
Flthd Vlly Christ Sch - 9822
Forest Grove School - 0366
Forsyth 7-8 - 1535
Forsyth Elementary School - 1033
Forsyth High School - 1034
Fort Benton 7-8 - 0191
Fort Benton High School - 0192
Fort Benton School - 0190
Fort Maginnis School - 0404
Fort Peck Indian Youth Service - 9108
Fort Peck School - 1222
Fort Shaw Elem School - 0173
Fort Shaw School - 0186
Fort Smith School - 1315
Fortine 7-8 - 1841
Fortine School - 0712
Forty Mile Col Sch - 9724
Foster Creek School - 0265
Four Buttes School - 0277
Four Corners School - 0509
Four Georgians School - 1582
Fox School - 0094
Fraizer Creek School - 0503
Frank Brattin Middle Schl - 1609
Franklin School - 0139
Franklin School - 0559
Franklin School - 0773
Frazer 7-8 - 1783
Frazer Elementary - 1205
Frazer High School - 1208
Fred Moodry Intermediate - 0322
Fred W Graff School - 1280
Freedom School - 0502
Frenchtown 6-8 - 1741
Frenchtown Elementary School - 0802
Frenchtown High School - 0803
Frenchtown Intermediate School - 1845
Frisinger School - 1237
Froid 7-8 - 1761
Froid Elementary School - 1029
Froid High School - 1030
Fromberg High School - 0099
Fromberg Middle School - 1674
Fromberg School - 0098
Frontier 7-8 - 1757
Frontier School - 1411
Fuhrman School - 1202
Gaia School - 9882
Galata School - 1183
Gallatin Gateway 7-8 - 1702
Gallatin Gateway School - 0486
Gallatin High School - 1864
Gallatin Valley Church - 9316
Gardiner 7-8 - 1743
Gardiner High School - 0824
Gardiner School - 0825
Garfield Co Dist HS - 0534
Garfield School - 0234
Garfield School - 0357
Garfield School - 1258
Garland School - 0244
Garneill School - 0360
Garrison School - 0945
Genou School - 0212
Gentry Christian School - 9940
Gentry Christian School - 9965
Geraldine Elementary - 0213
Geraldine High School - 0214
Geraldine Middle School - 1682
Gerhard School - 0369
Geyser 7-8 - 1718
Geyser High School - 0627
Geyser School - 0626
Giant Springs Elementary - 1855
Gibbons School - 0019
Gibson School - 1539
Gildford Colony School - 1578
Gildford Elementary School - 0585
Gildford High School - 0586
Glacier Christian School - 9395
Glacier Christian School - 9742
Glacier Elementary School - 1810
Glacier Gateway Elem - 0418
Glacier High School - 1835
Glacier View Sda - 9652
Glasgow 4-6 School - 1199
Glasgow High School - 1204
Glasgow Jr High School - 1520
Glasgow Middle School - 1618
Glasston School - 1134
Glen Lake School - 0708
Glendale Colony School - 9398
Glendale School - 1594
Glendive Christian - 9699
Glengarry Elem School - 0370
Glentana School - 1216
Gold Creek School - 0949
Golden Ridge School - 1160
Golden Valley Colony - 9457
Golden Valley School - 0291
Golden Valley School - 0907
Golden Valley School - 1449
Goldstone School - 0587
Gordon School - 0835
Gospel Light HS - 9286
Gospel Light School - 9915
Goss School - 1009
Goulding Creek School - 0814
Grace Christian School - 9685
Grace Christian School - 9714
Grace Gospel - 9711
Grace Montessori Academy - 9989
Grainbelt School - 0566
Grand Prairie School - 1206
Grandview School - 0121
Grandview School - 0897
Grandview School - 0994
Granite High School - 0565
Grannis School - 0832
Grant School - 0004
Grant School - 1086
Grantsdale School - 0970
Granville Stuart School - 1515
Grass Land Colony School - 1860
Grass Range 7-8 - 1795
Grass Range High School - 0368
Grass Range School - 0367
Grass Valley School - 0789
Grassy Butte School - 0601
Great Beginings - 9868
Great Falls Cent Cath HS - 9976
Great Falls Christian HS - 9295
Great Falls Christian Sch - 9855
Great Falls High School - 0134
Greeley School - 1097
Green Ridge School - 0510
Greenfield 7-8 - 1814
Greenfield School - 1165
Greenhill School - 1182
Gregerson School - 0344
Greycliff School - 1137
Griffin School - 0108
Gt Falls Vo Tech Center - 1524
H C Davis Elementary - 0546
Hafla School - 0524
Half Moon School - 0434
Hall HS - 9964
Hall School - 0562
Hamilton Christian Acad - 9844
Hamilton High School - 1084
Hamilton Middle School - 1427
Hammond School - 0105
Happy Hollow School - 9679
Hardin High School - 0037
Hardin Intermediate - 0032
Hardin Middle School - 0036
Hardin Primary - 0031
Harlem 7-8 - 1643
Harlem Elementary School - 0048
Harlem High School - 0049
Harlowton High School - 1230
Harrison 6-8 - 1727
Harrison High School - 0727
Harrison School - 0726
Harrison School - 1098
Hartland Elementary School - 1828
Hauser Lake School - 0666
Havre High School - 0581
Havre High School - 1450
Havre Kindergarten - 1581
Havre Middle School - 1451
Havre School 7-8 - 0578
Hawks Home School - 0131
Hawthorne School - 0468
Hawthorne School - 0656
Hawthorne School - 0787
Hawthorne School - 1099
Hawthorne School - 1174
Hawthorne School - 1273
Hawthorne School - 1521
Hay Creek School - 0126
Hay Creek School - 0920
Hay Creek School - 0985
Hay Creek School - 1245
Haymond School - 0844
Hays School - 0071
Hays-Lodge Pole 7-8 - 1659
Hays-Lodge Pole High Sch - 1551
Head Start Boulder - 9062
Head Start Eastgate - 9061
Head Start Eureka - 9073
Head Start Frazer - 9069
Head Start Harlem - 9077
Head Start Harlowton - 9080
Head Start Hays/Lodge Pole - 9076
Head Start Kalispell - 9072
Head Start Lewistown - 9081
Head Start Libby - 9065
Head Start Livingston - 9064
Head Start Ray Bjork - 9060
Head Start Roundup - 9079
Head Start School - 9860
Head Start St. Ignatius - 9071
Head Start Troy - 9066
Headwaters Academy - 9869
Headwaters Academy HS - 9300
Heart Butte 6-8 - 1748
Heart Butte Elementary - 0886
Heart Butte High School - 1656
Heck/Quaw Elementary - 0490
Heitz School - 0956
Helena Christian School - 9947
Helena Community School - 9916
Helena Flats 7-8 - 1696
Helena Flats School - 0432
Helena High School - 0661
Helena Junior High - 0660
Helena Middle School - 1614
Helena Montessori Charter Schl - 3022
Helena P.A.L. - 3026
Helena Vo-Tech School - 1506
Hellgate El Intermediate - 1859
Hellgate El Primary Grades - 1863
Hellgate Elem Lower Grades - 1573
Hellgate High School - 1432
Hellgate Middle School - 1801
Helmville School - 0944
Henry Wdswrth Lngfllw Acd - 9306
Heritage Baptist School - 9372
Heritge Chrstn Schl - 9419
Hermanson School - 0883
Heron School - 1049
Hi-Line Colony School - 1867
Hiawatha School - 1080
Hidden Lake Elementary - 1826
Hidden Lake School - 9950
Hidden Water School - 0341
Higgins Elem School - 0902
Highland Park School - 0355
Highland Park School - 0574
Highland Park School - 1330
Highland Park School - 1579
Highland School - 0741
Highland School - 1011
Highland School - 1260
Highwood High School - 0205
Highwood Middle School - 1681
Highwood School - 0204
Hilger School - 0374
Hilger School - 0747
Hill School - 0678
Hill Top Colony School - 1854
Hillcrest 7-8 - 1787
Hillcrest Colony Elementary - 1848
Hillcrest School - 1228
Hillcrest School - 1528
Hilldale Colony High Schl - 9972
Hilldale Colony School - 9341
Hillside Colony School - 1809
Hillside Colony School - 9357
Hillside School - 0330
Hillside School - 0530
Hillview Center - 9093
Hingham High School - 0589
Hinsdale 7-8 - 1784
Hinsdale High School - 1213
Hinsdale School - 1212
Hobson 6-8 - 1717
Hobson High School - 0623
Hobson School - 0622
Hockett Basin - 0251
Hodgson School - 0438
Hogan School - 0089
Hogeland Elem School - 0061
Hogeland High School - 0062
Holy Rosary Jr High - 9337
Holy Spirit Catholic HS - 9292
Holy Spirit Catholic Schl - 9871
Holy Spirit Catholic School - 9330
Horizon Elementary - 1844
Horkan Creek School - 1431
Horton School - 0258
Hot Springs 7-8 - 1766
Hot Springs High School - 1058
Hot Springs School - 1057
Houskin School - 0163
Hoyt School - 0308
HRDC Main Center- Northern MT - 9091
Huckins School - 0915
Hunt School - 0250
Huntley Project 7-8 - 1616
Huntley Project Elem K-6 - 1296
Huntley Project High Schl - 1298
Huntley Project Jr High - 1297
Hyalite Elementary - 1839
Hydro School - 0059
Hysham 7-8 - 1782
Hysham High School - 1194
Hysham School - 1193
Iliad School - 0209
Illmont School - 0740
Immaculate Hrt of Mary Ac - 9888
Independent School - 0298
Independent School - 1304
Indian Butte School - 0408
Indian Creek School - 0501
Ingomar School - 1044
Intake School - 0305
Intermountain Childrens Home - 9979
Inverness High School - 0593
Iowa Flats School - 0709
Irle Elementary School - 1198
Irving School - 0469
Isabel Bills Elem School - 1039
Ismay School - 0241
Jackson School - 0017
Jackson School - 0090
Jeannette Rankin El - 1443
Jeannette Rankin Elementary Sc - 1858
Jefferson High School - 0611
Jefferson School - 0235
Jefferson School - 0280
Jefferson School - 0651
Jefferson School - 0782
Jefferson School - 0967
Jefferson School - 0968
Jefferson School - 1087
Jefferson School - 1128
Jefferson School - 1261
Jefferson School - 1561
Jeshurun Valley Schl - 9651
Jim Darcy School - 1461
Johnson School - 0783
Johnston School - 0113
Joliet High School - 0088
Joliet Middle School - 1635
Joliet School - 0087
Joplin-Inverness 7-8 - 0681
Joplin-Inverness HS - 0682
Joplin-Inverness K-6 - 0592
Jordan 7-8 - 1705
Jordan Elementary School - 0500
Judith Gap 7-8 - 1788
Judith Gap High School - 1233
Judith Gap School - 1232
Junior High Air Base - 1467
Jurica School - 0911
K William Harvey Elem - 0639
K-G 7-8 - 1712
K-G High School - 1537
Kabo School - 0211
Kalispell Christian Acad - 9678
Kalispell Jr High School 9th - 1510
Kalispell Middle School - 1509
Kalispell Montessori Cntr - 9821
Kalispell Rising Wolf Charter - 3019
Karens Kindergarten - 9694
Kennedy School - 1095
Kent School - 1136
Kessler Elementary School - 0662
Kester School - 0518
Kevin School - 1171
Kids Behavioral Health - 9978
Kila 7-8 - 1818
Kila School - 0435
Kindergarten Evergreen - 1576
King Colony School - 0371
Kingsbury Colony Attn Ctr - 1808
Kingsbury Colony School - 9836
Kinnick School - 0398
Kinsey School - 0259
Kinsman Indian School - 9417
Kircher School - 0240
Klein School - 0806
Knees School - 0223
Knob Hill School - 1145
Knowlton School - 0253
Kolin School - 0619
Kootenai Valley Christian - 9954
Kremlin Elementary School - 0583
Kremlin High School - 0584
Kuehn School - 0558
L & C Christian Academy - 9684
L A Muldown School - 1500
L O School - 0249
Laird School - 0695
Lake Blaine School - 0449
Lakeside Elementary School - 0439
Lakeside Intl Christ Sch - 9846
Lakeside School - 0440
Lakeview School - 0021
Lakeview School - 0598
Lambert 7-8 - 1756
Lambert High School - 1006
Lambert School - 1005
Lame Deer 7-8 - 1626
Lame Deer High School - 1816
Lame Deer School - 1035
Lame Jones School - 0340
LaMotte 6-8 - 1825
LaMotte School - 0489
Landusky School - 0869
Langston School - 1234
Laredo School - 0605
Largent School - 0140
Larslan School - 1203
Larson School - 0999
Laurel Head Start - 9087
Laurel High School - 1284
Laurel Junior High School - 1283
Laurel Middle School - 1620
Laurel Pub Kindergarten - 1625
Lavina Elementary - 0555
Lavina High School - 0556
Lavina Middle School - 1707
Lebo School - 0762
Ledger School - 0905
Lennep School - 0757
Lervold School - 0302
Lewis & Clark Jr High - 1253
Lewis & Clark Middle School - 1632
Lewis & Clark School - 0141
Lewis & Clark School - 0356
Lewis & Clark School - 0774
Lewistown 7-8 - 1410
Libby Advntst Elem Schl - 9403
Libby Elementary School - 1526
Libby High School - 0705
Libby Middle School - 0704
Liberty Christian H S - 9307
Liberty Christian School - 9421
Liberty Elementary School - 1648
Liberty School - 1247
Lighthouse Christian Academy - 9007
Lillian Peterson School - 0416
Lima 7-8 - 1667
Lima High School - 0010
Lima School - 0011
Limestone School - 1124
Lincoln 7-8 - 1721
Lincoln Center - 9092
Lincoln Co High School - 0711
Lincoln Elementary School - 0675
Lincoln High School - 1610
Lincoln Jr High School - 1254
Lincoln Primary - 0321
Lincoln School - 0142
Lincoln School - 0220
Lincoln School - 0236
Lincoln School - 0281
Lincoln School - 0333
Lincoln School - 0353
Lincoln School - 0354
Lincoln School - 0382
Lincoln School - 0631
Lincoln School - 0658
Lincoln School - 0698
Lincoln School - 0818
Lincoln School - 1088
Lincoln School - 1162
Lincoln School - 1442
Lincoln School 6 - 1599
Lincoln-McKinley School - 0577
Linderman School - 1495
Linderman-Jr High Annex - 1593
Lindsay School - 0295
Little Bear School - 0474
Little Flower School - 9364
Little Log Cabin School - 9955
Living Faith Church - 9702
Lloyd School - 0058
Locate School - 0242
Lockwood Head Start - 9089
Lockwood High School - 1862
Lockwood Intermediate - 1560
Lockwood Jr High School - 1277
Lockwood Middle School - 1647
Lockwood Primary - 1276
Lodge Grass 7-8 - 1669
Lodge Grass High School - 0040
Lodge Grass School - 0039
Lodge Pole School - 0072
Loesch School - 0936
Logan School - 0463
Lohman School - 0066
Lolo Christian School - 9960
Lolo Elementary - 0792
Lolo Middle School - 1587
Loma School - 0193
Lombard School - 0080
Lone Peak High School - 1837
Lone Prairie School - 0849
Lone Rock Middle School - 1827
Lone Rock School - 0975
Lone Star School - 0110
Lone Star School - 1459
Lone Tree Bench School - 1400
Lone Tree School - 0891
Long School - 0855
Longfellow School - 0143
Longfellow School - 0470
Longfellow School - 1089
Longfellow School - 1466
Loren Hinebauch Schl - 9719
Loring Colony School - 1605
Loring School - 0885
Lothair School - 0690
Lowell School - 0144
Lowell School - 0775
Lowell School - 1076
Lower Corral Creek School - 0313
Lower Cracker Box School - 0306
Lower Dry Fork School - 1144
Lower Horse Creek School - 0754
Lower Seven Mile School - 0314
Lower Smith River School - 0760
Loy School - 1405
Loyola-Sacred Heart H S - 9040
Lustre Christian H S - 9320
Lustre School - 1223
Luther School - 0091
Maddux School - 0055
Madison School - 1090
Madoc School - 0275
Maiden School - 0359
Main Street School - 0665
Malmborg School - 0492
Malta 6-7-8 - 1505
Malta Elem School - 0874
Malta High School - 0875
Malta K-5 - 1504
Manhattan 6-8 - 1699
Manhattan Christian H S - 9027
Manhattan Christian Schl - 9338
Manhattan Elem - 0464
Manhattan H S - 0465
Maranatha Acad of Mt - 9657
Margaret Leary School - 1569
Mariner School - 0597
Marion 7-8 - 1697
Marion School - 0455
Marsh School - 0309
Martha Fox Heck School - 1653
Martin City School - 0421
Martinsdale Colony Sch - 9361
Martinsdale School - 0756
Mary Innes School - 0006
Marysville School - 0667
Maudlow Elem School - 0480
Maudlow School - 1437
Maxville School - 0561
May Butler School - 0653
McCabe School - 1019
McCormick School - 0713
McCumber School - 0159
McGrade School - 0703
McKinley Center - 9095
McKinley School - 0145
McKinley School - 1091
McKinley School - 1262
McLeod School - 1140
Meadow Hill Middle School - 1491
Meadow Lark School - 0146
Meadowbrook School - 0257
Meadowlark Elementary - 1847
Meadowlark School - 0046
Meadowlark School - 1439
Meadowlark School - 1546
Medicine Crow Middle School - 1851
Medicine Lake 7-8 - 1662
Medicine Lake High School - 1065
Medicine Lake School - 1064
Medicine Lodge School - 0013
Meisenbach School - 0167
Meiwald School - 0067
Mekel School - 0507
Melrose School - 1107
Melstone High School - 0813
Melstone Middle School - 1742
Melstone School - 0812
Melville School - 1133
Mennonite School - 9837
Miami School - 0904
Michels School - 1248
Midale School - 0859
Middle Creek Montessori - 9984
Midway Colony - 1838
Midway School - 0194
Mildred School - 0960
Miles Avenue School - 1263
Miles City Junior High - 1544
Mill Creek Flat School - 0836
Miller Colony High School - 9926
Miller Colony School - 9354
Miller School - 0602
Millpoint School - 0001
Miner School - 0815
Minneota School - 0596
Mission Mountain HS - 9285
Mission Mountain School - 9914
Mission Valley Chrst Elem - 9921
Mission Valley Chrst H S - 9922
Mission Vly Chris Sch - 9402
Mission Vly Chris Sch - 9660
Missoula Co High School - 0788
Missoula Connect Academy HS - 3008
Missoula Connect Academy MS - 3007
Missoula County Juvenile Deten - 9110
Missoula Mountain School - 9966
Missoula TEACH Academy - 3009
Missoula Technical Center - 1503
Missouri Bridge School - 0988
Mizpah School - 1474
Moccasin Elem School - 0615
Moccasin High School - 0616
Moiese School - 0637
Molt School - 1115
Mona School - 1003
Monarch School - 0165
Monforton 6-8 - 1701
Monforton Primary - 1601
Monforton School - 0485
Monroe School - 1092
Montague School - 0227
Montana City Middle Schl - 1715
Montana City School - 0614
Montana State Prison - 9604
Monte School - 0247
Montessori Inter High Sch - 9876
Montessori Inter Schl - 9722
Montessori Inter Schl HS - 9280
Montford School - 0454
Moon Creek School - 0256
Moore 6-8 - 1688
Moore High School - 0373
Moore School - 0124
Moore School - 0372
Moorhead School - 0914
Morgan Creek School - 0304
Morin School - 1290
Morning Star School - 0467
Morningside School - 0147
Morningside School - 0286
Mosby School - 0529
Mosby School - 1489
Mouat Mill School - 1120
Mount Ascension Learning Ac EL - 3023
Mount Ascension Learning Ac HS - 3025
Mount Ascension Learning Ac MS - 3024
Mount Ellis Academy High - 9318
Mount Hope Christian Sch - 9851
Mount Jumbo School - 1595
Mountain Brook School - 0460
Mountain Valley School - 1512
Mountain View Elem School - 0396
Mountain View Elementary - 1621
Mountain View Parochial - 9425
Mountain View School - 0082
Mountain View School - 0206
Mountain View School - 0459
Mountain View School - 1187
Mountain View School - 1530
Mountain View School - 1542
Mountain View School - 9416
Mountain View School - 9936
Mt Developmental Ctr - 9603
Mt Ellis Adventist School - 9336
Mt Helena Adventist - 9705
Mt Helena Christian HS - 9302
MT Sch For Deaf & Blnd El - 9368
MT Sch For Deaf & Blnd HS - 9371
Mt Vernon School - 0215
Mt View Church School - 9288
Muldoon School - 0296
Musselshell High School - 0805
Musselshell School - 0804
Napi School - 0539
Nashua 6-8 - 1786
Nashua High School - 1219
Nashua School - 1218
Nazarene Christian - 9701
Neihart High School - 0172
Neihart School - 0171
Nelson School - 0179
Nelson School - 0201
Nelson School - 1568
Nelson South Side School - 0231
Neuman School - 0184
New Camps Pass School - 0922
New Central School - 0700
New Covenant Christian - 9418
New Day Inc. - 9945
New Hope School - 0044
New Life Assembly School - 9885
New Life Assembly School - 9886
New Rockport Colony H S - 9925
New Rockport Colony Schl - 9355
Newlon School - 0978
Newman School - 1275
Newton School - 1209
Nicholia School - 0020
Nickol School - 1185
Nickwall School - 0738
Nine Mile School - 0030
Nkwusm - 9981
North Central School - 9244
North Eagle Butte School - 0198
North Fork School - 0073
North Harlem Elementary - 1565
North Harlem Kindergarten - 9673
North Jr High School - 1531
North Lothair School - 0691
North Middle School - 1634
North Park Head Start - 9090
North Park School - 1264
North Pasture School - 1430
North Shine Lake School - 0230
North Side School - 0819
North Side School - 1196
North Star 7-8 - 0588
North Star High School - 0591
North Star School - 0219
North Star School - 1200
North Star School - 1536
North Valley Center - 9101
North Yantic School - 0064
Northern Cheyenne Head Start - 9075
Northern Cheyenne Trib El - 9369
Northern Cheyenne Trib HS - 9370
Northern Cheyenne Tribal 7-8 - 9946
Northside School - 1022
Noxon 7-8 - 1765
Noxon High School - 1055
Noxon School - 1054
NW Indian Bible High Schl - 9832
NW Indian Bible School - 9687
Nye School - 1121
O D Speer School - 0939
O'Loughlin School - 1169
O‘Donnell School - 0336
OConnor School - 0521
OFallon Creek School - 1403
Oilmont Elementary School - 1188
Oilmont High School - 1189
Old Central School - 0699
Old Jefferson School - 0652
Old Northside School - 1021
Old Rimrock School - 1274
Old Sunnyside School - 0573
Oliver School - 1241
Ollie School - 0337
Olney School - 0456
Olson School - 1244
Opheim 7-8 - 1785
Opheim High School - 1215
Opheim School - 1214
Ophir 7-8 - 1817
Ophir Elementary School - 0497
Orchard School - 1265
Oreana School - 0600
Orr School - 0187
Osler School - 0689
Oswego School - 1225
Otter School - 0912
Our Lady of Lourdes HS - 9291
Our Lady of Lourdes Schl - 9325
Outlook 7-8 - 1769
Outlook High School - 1074
Outlook School - 1073
Ovando School - 0942
P N Ferry School - 1502
Pablo Elementary - 0638
Palisades - 9324
Paradise Christian Acad - 9700
Paradise School - 0365
Paradise School - 1051
Paragon School - 0252
Paragon School - 1460
Paris Gibson Middle Schl - 0136
Park City 7-8 - 1771
Park City High School - 1110
Park City School - 1109
Park High School - 0823
Parker School - 0287
Parkview School - 1525
Pass Creek School - 0484
Paxson School - 0776
Pearl School - 0024
Peerless 7-8 - 1683
Peerless High School - 0270
Peerless School - 0269
Pendroy School - 1163
Penzer School - 0207
Peoples Creek School - 1623
Pershing School - 0119
Pershing School - 0957
Pershing School - 1012
Peterson School - 1119
Phelps School - 1079
Philipsburg 7-8 - 1708
Philipsburg School - 0560
Phillips School - 0861
Phosphate Mine School - 0946
Pierce School - 1476
Pikuni High School - 9682
Pilgrim Preschool - 9681
Pine Butte Elementary Sch - 1603
Pine Butte School - 0025
Pine Creek 6-8 - 1823
Pine Creek School - 0831
Pine Grove School - 0433
Pine Grove School - 0516
Pine Haven Christ Yth HS - 9281
Pine Haven Christ Yth Rch - 9848
Pine Hills No 2 School - 1142
Pine Hills Youth Corr Facil El - 9935
Pine Hills Youth Corr Facil HS - 9415
Pine Ridge SDA - 9683
Pines Academy School - 9350
Pines Elem Academy - 9654
Pioneer Elem School - 0895
Pioneer School - 1302
Pitzer School - 0525
Plains 7-8 - 1627
Plains Elementary School - 1045
Plains High School - 1046
Plainview School - 1473
Pleasant Ridge School - 1164
Pleasant Valley School - 0226
Pleasant Valley School - 0437
Pleasant Valley School - 0744
Pleasant Valley School - 1664
Pleasant View School - 0271
Pleasant View School - 0307
Pleasant View School - 0840
Plenty Coups High School - 1553
Plentywood 7-8 - 1768
Plentywood High School - 1071
Plentywood School - 1070
Plevna 7-8 - 1687
Plevna High School - 0352
Plevna School - 0351
Pluhar School - 0519
Plummer School - 0702
Polaris School - 0015
Polson 5-6 School - 1806
Polson High School - 0633
Polson Middle School - 1498
Poly Drive School - 1266
Pondera Colony School - 1852
Pondera School - 1190
Ponderosa School - 1480
Pontresina School - 0541
Poplar 5-6 School - 1014
Poplar 7-8 - 1550
Poplar High School - 1016
Poplar School - 1015
Porcupine School - 0834
Portage School - 0182
Porter Middle School - 1486
Potomac Middle School - 1733
Potomac School - 0793
Powder River Co Dist High - 0931
Powderville School - 0910
Powell County High School - 0953
Power Elementary - 1158
Power High School - 1159
Power Middle School - 1780
Prairie Elk Colony School - 1836
Prairie Elk School - 0736
Prairie View School - 0693
Prairie View School - 0892
Premium Center School - 1150
Prescott School - 0784
Pretty Eagle Cthlc Schl - 9410
Prickly Pear Elem - 1857
Proctor School - 0634
Promised Land School - 0232
Prospect Heights School - 0283
Prospect Park School - 0450
Pryor 7-8 - 1668
Pupil Services - 1649
Purewater School - 0512
Putnam School - 0053
Quale School - 1235
Quaw Elementary School - 1811
Quentin Brown Primary K-4 - 1557
Radersburg School - 0075
Radley Elementary School - 1465
Ramberg School - 0050
Ramsay Middle School - 1770
Ramsay School - 1105
Rancher School - 1191
Rapelje 7-8 - 1774
Rapelje High School - 1123
Rapelje School - 1122
Rapstad School - 1141
Rattlesnake Elementary School - 0785
Rau School - 0990
Ravalli Head Start - 9100
Ray Bjork School - 0650
Raymond School - 1072
Raynesford School - 0625
Rea School - 0475
Red Lodge Elementary - 1496
Red Lodge High School - 0084
Red River School - 0536
Red Rock School - 0051
Red Rock School - 1314
Red Top School - 0293
Redstone Elem - 1060
Redwater 7-8 - 1800
Redwater School - 0732
Reed Point 7-8 - 1773
Reed Point Elementary - 1113
Reed Point High School - 1114
Reese Creek School - 0478
Reichle School - 0018
Reserve School - 1066
Rexford School - 0707
Richey 7-8 - 1686
Richey High School - 0311
Richey School - 0310
Richland School - 0816
Richland School - 1217
Ridge School - 0122
Ridge View Elementary - 1833
Rim Rock Colony School - 9358
Rimrock Colony - 9658
Rimrock Colony School - 1815
Rimrock School - 1267
Ringling School - 0763
Rise Charter & Distance 7-8 - 3011
Rise Charter & Distance EL - 3010
Rise Charter & Distance HS - 3012
Rise Charter & Pathways 7-8 - 3014
Rise Charter & Pathways EL - 3013
Rise Charter & Pathways HS - 3015
River of Life Chrstn Sch - 9887
Riverside Jr High School - 1252
Riverside Middle School - 1645
Riverside Youth Corr Facil El - 9973
Riverside Youth Corr Facil HS - 9974
Riverview Colony Elem - 9458
Riverview Elementary - 1829
Riverview School - 0148
Riverview School - 0243
Riverview School - 0246
Riverview School - 0998
Rivulet School - 0769
Roberts 7-8 - 1673
Roberts High School - 0096
Roberts School - 0095
Robertson School - 0506
Robin Grade 6 - 1452
Robinson School - 1306
Rock Creek Elem School - 0868
Rock Creek School - 1492
Rock Spring School - 1031
Rock Springs School - 1082
Rocker School - 1104
Rockport Colony High Schl - 9927
Rockport Colony School - 9356
Rocky Boy 7-8 - 1711
Rocky Boy Head Start - 9074
Rocky Boy High School - 1807
Rocky Boy High School - 9697
Rocky Boy School - 0579
Rocky Mtn Christian Acad - 9956
Rocky Mtn Mennonite - 9715
Rocky School - 1494
Rocky Special Ed - 1259
Rollins School - 0647
Ronan Christian Academy - 9842
Ronan High School - 0640
Ronan Middle School - 1519
Ronan SDA School - 9342
Roosevelt Junior High - 1637
Roosevelt School - 0083
Roosevelt School - 0149
Roosevelt School - 0237
Roosevelt School - 0777
Roosevelt School - 1541
Roosevelt School - 1567
Rosary High School - 9186
Roscoe School - 0104
Rose Park School - 1268
Rosebud 7-8 - 1762
Rosebud High School - 1038
Rosebud School - 1037
Rosebud School - 1470
Rosedale School - 0829
Ross Fork School - 0407
Ross School - 0531
Rossiter School - 1478
Rothiemay School - 0554
Round Butte School - 0641
Roundup 7-8 - 1644
Roundup Elementary - 0809
Roundup H S - 0811
Roundup Jr High School - 0810
Rousselle School - 0451
Roy 6-8 - 1689
Roy High School - 0379
Roy School - 0378
Ruder Elementary - 1571
Ruffatto School - 1000
Rumph School - 0932
Running Start Bozeman - 9063
Russell School - 0150
Russell School - 0413
Russell School - 0778
Ryegate 7-8 - 1706
Ryegate High School - 0551
Ryegate School - 0550
S H School - 0264
S Y School - 0261
S Y School - 0262
Sacajawea Middle School - 1822
Sacajawea School - 1419
Sackman School - 0962
Saco 7-8 - 1746
Saco High School - 0873
Saco School - 0872
Sacred Heart Elem - 9331
Sacred Heart High School - 9211
Sacred Heart Jr High - 9948
Sacred Heart School - 9246
Saddle Peak Elementary - 1846
Sage Creek Colony School - 9343
Sage Creek Elementary - 1830
Salmon Creek School - 0952
Salmon Prairie School - 0649
Salt Creek School - 0403
Saltese School - 0764
Sample Flat School - 0200
Sand Butte School - 0127
Sand Creek School - 0752
Sand Springs School - 0527
Sandstone School - 1584
Sangrey School - 0580
Savage 6-8 - 1754
Savage High School - 0983
Savage School - 0982
Savoy School - 0063
Scandia School - 1287
Schl of Arts & Sciences - 9712
Schofield School - 0112
Scholes School - 0347
Scobey 7-8 - 1650
Scobey High School - 0268
Scobey School - 0267
SDA School - 9833
SDA School - 9835
Second Creek School - 1457
Sedan School - 0487
Seeley Lake 7-8 - 1740
Seeley Lake Elementary - 0801
Seeley-Swan High School - 1434
Selma School - 0688
Selstrom School - 0185
Sentinel High School - 1433
Settlement School - 1131
Seventh Street School - 0446
Seventy-Nine School - 0552
Shawmut School - 1231
Shelby 6-8 - 1175
Shelby Elementary School - 1176
Shelby Head Start - 9098
Shelby High School - 1178
Sheldon School - 0526
Sheldon School - 1440
Shepherd Elementary - 1300
Shepherd High School - 1301
Shepherd Middle School - 1794
Sheridan 7-8 - 1725
Sheridan Baptist Schl - 9720
Sheridan Elementary Schl - 0721
Sheridan High School - 0722
Sherman School - 1100
Sherrard School - 0686
Shields Valley 7-8 - 1797
Shields Valley Elementary - 1665
Shields Valley High Schl - 1666
Shiloh Christian Acad HS - 9284
Shiloh Christian Academy - 9884
Shiloh School - 1299
Shining Montesorri School - 9304
Shining Mountain - 9870
Shining Mtn Adv Schl - 9735
Shodair Specialty Hosp - 9977
Sidney High School - 0981
Sidney Junior High School - 0980
Sidney Middle School - 1619
Signe School - 0808
Silesia School - 0093
Simms High School - 0174
Sioux Pass School - 0991
Six Mile School - 0245
Skaggs School - 0390
Skull Creek School - 0750
Skyline School - 1529
Skyview High School - 1628
Sleeping Giant Middle Sch - 1490
Smith School - 1477
Smith Valley 7-8 - 0444
Smith Valley Primary Schl - 0436
Snake Creek School - 1210
Snake Creek School - 1497
Snow Creek School - 0504
Sollid School - 0908
Somers Middle School - 1799
Son Life Christian Acad - 9843
South Center School - 1236
South Central Jr High - 9713
South Devon School - 1181
South Fairview School - 0052
South First Creek School - 0860
South Fork School - 0669
South School - 1281
South Stacey School - 0934
South Valley School - 0299
South Wagner School - 0865
Southside School - 1020
Southside School - 1197
Southview School - 0751
Spanish Coulee School - 0170
Sparks School - 0427
Special Education Annex - 1516
Spring Coulee Elem School - 0603
Spring Coulee School - 1441
Spring Creek Colony Schl - 0389
Spring Creek Elem - 9692
Spring Creek Lodge - 9968
Spring Creek School - 0026
Spring Creek School - 0035
Spring Creek School - 0120
Spring Creek School - 0248
Spring Creek School - 0348
Spring Creek School - 0426
Spring Creek School - 0517
Spring Creek School - 1555
Spring Lake School - 1008
Spring Valley School - 0109
Spring Valley School - 1207
Spring Water Colony - 9834
Springdale Colony School - 9344
Springdale School - 0846
Springhill School - 0479
Square Butte School - 0224
Squaw Creek School - 1311
St Andrews H S - 9953
St Andrews School - 9952
St Anthony School - 9188
St Charles Mission School - 9321
St Francis Intermediate - 9365
St Francis Primary K-2 - 9209
St Francis Upper 6-8 - 9363
St Francis Xavier School - 9346
St Gerard School - 9326
St Ignatius Elementary School - 0642
St Ignatius High School - 0643
St Ignatius Middle School - 1719
St John Lutheran School - 1622
St John Lutheran School - 9290
St Joseph School - 9327
St Joseph School - 9453
St Jude Thaddeus School - 9247
St Labre High School - 9059
St Labre School - 9353
St Leo High School - 9155
St Leo School - 9334
St Mary School - 9347
St Mary's School - 9249
St Mary's School - 9864
St Matthew School - 9367
St Paul Mission School - 9323
St Phillip School - 1240
St Regis 7-8 - 1732
St Regis High School - 0771
St Regis School - 0770
St Thomas Child & Family - 9817
St. Xavier School - 0034
Stamiksiitsiikin BullShoe Elem - 0538
Stanford 7-8 - 1716
Stanford High School - 0618
Stanford School - 0617
Starr School - 0540
Staton Coulee School - 0599
Stevensville 7-8 - 1577
Stevensville High School - 0966
Stevensville K-3 - 1600
Stevensville K-6 - 0965
Steves Fork School - 0508
Stillwater Christian School - 9297
Stillwater Christian School - 9677
Stoney Butte School - 0748
Story Creek Elem - 1866
Strater School - 0876
Strauss School - 0909
Strobel School - 0961
Strobel School - 1445
Sts Peter & Paul School - 9329
Suce School - 0826
Suffolk School - 0394
Sugar & Spice - 9866
Sullivan Valley School - 0180
Sumatra School - 1041
Summit Preparatory School - 9980
Summit Valley Christian - 9406
Summit Valley Christn HS - 9309
Sun Prairie School - 0870
Sun River 6 School - 1805
Sun River Middle School - 1538
Sun River School - 0156
Sunburst 7 - 8 - 1781
Sunburst Christ Acad - 9693
Sunburst Elementary - 1167
Sunburst High School - 1168
Sunny Hill School - 1059
Sunny Lorea School - 9924
Sunnyside School - 0151
Sunnyside School - 0572
Sunnyside School - 0745
Sunnyside School - 1201
Sunnyslope School - 0877
Sunset School - 0798
Sunshine Valley SDA Sch - 9332
Superior 7-8 - 1731
Superior Christian Elem - 9929
Superior Christian H S - 9930
Superior Elementary - 0767
Superior High School - 0768
Surprise Creek Colony Sch - 9401
Surprise Creek School - 1617
Sussex School - 9404
Sutherland School - 1429
Swan Lake School - 0648
Swan River 6-8 - 1694
Swan River School - 0411
Swan Valley 7-8 - 1739
Swan Valley School - 0800
Sweet Grass Co High Schl - 1130
Sweet Grass School - 1166
Sykes School - 0117
Sylvanite School - 0715
T.U. School - 0054
Tallow Creek School - 0880
Tamarack School - 9721
Tampico School - 1220
Target Range 7-8 - 1737
Target Range School - 0797
Ted Lechner Youth Services - 9109
Tee Dee School - 0114
Terry High School - 0958
Terry Middle School - 1752
Terry Park Head Start - 9088
Terry School - 0954
Teton Christian Schl - 9656
The Children's School - 9920
The Learning Circle - 9840
Thomas Moore School - 9874
Thompson Falls 7-8 - 1764
Thompson Falls Elem Schl - 1047
Thompson Falls High Schl - 1048
Three Buttes School - 0992
Three Forks 7-8 - 1658
Three Forks Elem School - 0482
Three Forks High School - 0483
Three Lakes Christ Schl - 9696
Three Mile School - 0292
Tingdahl School - 0683
Tongue River Farms LLC - 9967
Tonquin School - 0331
Tooley Lake Amish - 9420
Tooley Lake School - 0714
Toston School - 0079
Townsend 7-8 - 1671
Trask Hall School - 0940
Treasure State Academy - 9423
Treasure State Academy HS - 9293
Tree Coulee School - 0515
Trego School - 0717
Trident School - 0494
Trinity Chapel School - 9841
Trinity Lutheran School - 9005
Trinity Lutheran School - 9366
Trinity School - 0664
Trout Creek 7-8 - 1820
Trout Creek School - 1050
Troy High School - 0697
Troy Junior High - 1663
Truly School - 0177
Turner 7-8 - 1670
Turner Colony School - 9391
Turner High School - 0070
Turner School - 0069
Turner School - 0737
Twin Bridges High School - 0724
Twin Bridges Middle School - 1726
Twin Bridges School - 0723
Twin Buttes School - 0260
Two Dot School - 1227
Two Eagle River High Schl - 9405
Two Eagle River School - 9951
Two Tree School - 0935
Tyler School - 0375
Ueland School - 1077
Ulm Junior High - 1680
Ulm School - 0188
Union School - 0303
Union School - 1186
Upper Birch Creek School - 0887
Upper Crackerbox School - 1309
Upper Grade Hellgate Schl - 0790
Upper Grant School - 0003
Upper Mill Creek School - 0839
Upper Ruby School - 0720
Upper Whitebird Elem School - 1118
Utica School - 0624
Utterback 4-6 - 1803
Utterback 7-8 - 1540
Valentine School - 0401
Valier 7-8 - 1749
Valier High School - 0899
Valier School - 0898
Valley Adventist Schl - 9335
Valley Christian H S - 9710
Valley Chrstn School - 9763
Valley View Christian HS - 9298
Valley View Christian Sch - 9858
Valley View School - 0152
Valley View School - 0400
Valley View School - 0645
Valley View School - 0955
Valley View SDA - 9424
Van Norman School - 0511
Vandalia School - 1221
Vaughn 6-8 - 1679
Vaughn Elementary - 0183
Vaughn Head Start - 9096
Victor High School - 0972
Victor Middle School - 1753
Victor School - 0971
Victory Christian Acad - 9861
Victory School - 1024
Vida School - 0755
View Hill School - 1067
Vina Chattin School - 1485
Virginia City School - 0718
W F Morrison School - 0696
W Glacier-Coram School - 0423
W K Dwyer Intermediate - 1549
Wagner School - 0864
Wanso School - 1083
Warland School - 0706
Warm Spring Creek School - 0402
Warm Springs School - 0319
Warren School - 0092
Warren School - 0663
Warrick School - 0203
Washington Middle School - 0779
Washington Middle School - 1685
Washington Middle School 6-8 - 0238
Washington School - 0153
Washington School - 0282
Washington School - 0323
Washington School - 0334
Washington School - 0576
Washington School - 0739
Washington School - 0820
Washington School - 0969
Washington School - 0996
Washington School - 1093
Washington School - 1270
Washington School 7-8 - 0239
Waterloo School - 0725
Webster Garfield School - 1094
Weede School - 0850
West Air Base - 1447
West Elementary - 1624
West Elementary School - 1642
West Glacier School - 1651
West Harb School - 0882
West Jr High School - 0137
West Junior High School - 1518
West Plains School - 0300
West School - 1282
West Side Elementary - 1446
West Side School - 0821
West Side School - 1351
West Valley Middle School - 1692
West Valley School - 1305
West Wayside School - 0225
West White Beaver School - 1135
West Yellowstone 6-8 - 1704
West Yellowstone HS - 0496
West Yellowstone School - 0495
Westby 7-8 - 1767
Westby High School - 1062
Westby School - 0276
Westby School - 1061
Westside Baptist School - 9823
Westside Christian Acad - 9707
Westside Elem - 1454
White Buffalo School - 9824
White Clay Immersion School - 9983
White Sulphur Springs 7-8 - 1729
White Sulphur Springs El - 0758
White Sulphur Springs HS - 0759
Whitefish High School - 0448
Whitefish Jr High School - 1487
Whitefish Middle 5-6 - 1501
Whitefish Middle 5-8 - 1598
Whitehall 6-8 - 1570
Whitehall Elementary - 0607
Whitehall High School - 0608
Whitetail School - 0272
Whitewater 6-8 - 1747
Whitewater High School - 0879
Whitewater School - 0878
Whitlash School - 0680
Whitney Creek School - 0255
Whittier School - 0154
Whittier School - 0471
Whittier School - 0780
Whittier School - 1101
Wibaux 7-8 - 1789
Wibaux Elementary School - 1238
Wibaux High School - 1239
Wild Rose School - 0376
Wild Rose School - 1143
Wilhelm Elem School - 9675
Will James Jr High School - 1483
Will James Middle School - 1646
Willard School - 0343
Willard School - 0781
Williamson School - 0528
Willow Bend School - 0189
Willow Creek 7-8 - 1700
Willow Creek High School - 0477
Willow Creek School - 0476
Willow Crossing School - 0925
Wills Creek School - 0328
Wills School - 0338
Willson Jr High School - 0472
Willson Science And Tech - 1462
Wilsall High School - 0842
Wilsall School - 0841
Wilson School - 1063
Windham School - 0620
Winifred 6-8 - 1691
Winifred High School - 0392
Winifred School - 0391
Winkler School - 0549
Winnett 7-8 - 1744
Winnett High School - 0853
Winnett School - 0852
Winston School - 0077
Wisdom School - 0012
Wise River School - 0009
Wolf Creek School - 0668
Wolf Point 7-8 - 1532
Wolf Point Head Start Ctr #1 - 9068
Wolf Point High School - 1023
Woodman Middle School - 1735
Woodman School - 0795
Woodworth School - 0941
World Family School - 9399
Wyola 7-8 - 1583
Wyola Elementary - 0041
Yaak School - 0716
Yale School - 0288
Yellowstone Academy 7-8 - 1850
Yellowstone Academy Elem - 1456
Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch - 9913
Yellowstone Boys Ranch - 1286
Yellowstone School - 0349
Ylwstn Vly Chris Acad - 9408
Ylwstn Vly Chris Acad HS - 9279
Yokley School - 0345
York School - 0674
Zenith Elementary - 1842
Zortman Elem School - 0866
Zortman Grade School - 1590
Zurich School - 0056
Accreditation Status
All Accreditation Statuses
Accreditation has been applied for but is not yet final.
At least Level 1 for all assurance standards and Level 1 or 2 for student performance standards; or at least level 1 or 2 for assurance standards and Level 1 for student performance standards. Schools have three years to remedy the Level 2 deviation(s).
Level 2 in any category in both sets of standards
Level 3 in any category in either set of standards
Level 4 in any category in either set of standards
Not accredited
Grade Type
All Grade Types
Grades 7-8 Funding
High School
Junior High School
Kindergarten through 12
Level missing or unknown
Middle School
All Sectors
Operating Status
All Operating Statuses