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Systems Data
List of current school systems. A school system is one or more districts that share a central office.
All Systems
A VOICE Art Vision & Outreach - 6105
Aaniiih Nakoda College - 6132
Abaertern Academy - 6091
Absarokee Public Schools - 0919
Action for Eastern MT Head Sta - 9514
Action Inc - 6049
Adaskavich SDA School - 9070
ADLC Head Start - 6269
Alberton K-12 Schools - 0687
Alder-Upper Ruby Elem - 0653
Alzada Elementary - 0277
American Baptist Churches - 6055
Amsterdam Elementary - 0522
Anaconda CCC - 6126
Anaconda PCA Family Resource C - 6086
Anaconda Public Schools - 0401
Anderson Elementary - 0514
Apostle Lutheran - 9071
Arlee Public Schools - 0601
Arrowhead Schools - 1047
Ashland Elementary - 0872
Auchard Creek Elementary - 0621
Augusta Public Schools - 0625
Avon Elementary - 0813
AWARE - 6089
AWARE Center For Excellence - 9524
Aware Group Home - 6068
Ayers Elementary - 1050
Bach Group Home - 6080
Bainville K-12 Schools - 0862
Baker K-12 Schools - 0407
Baptist Academy - 9453
Basin Elementary - 0586
Bear Paw Cooperative - 6170
Bear Paw Elementary - 0237
Beaverhead - 5000
Beaverhead Co High School - 0200
Belfry K-12 Schools - 0257
Belgrade Public Schools - 0516
Belt Public Schools - 0289
Benjamin Franklin Academy - 9452
Benton Lake Elementary - 0341
Biddle Elementary - 0786
Big Country Coop - 6173
Big Horn - 5001
Big Horn Valley Christian - 9495
Big Sandy Public Schools - 0310
Big Sky K-12 Schools - 0521
Big Sky Special Needs Coop - 6194
Big Timber Elementary - 0922
Bigfork ACES, Inc. - 6270
Bigfork Development Company - 6246
Bigfork Playhouse Children's T - 6255
Bigfork Public Schools - 0484
Billings Central H S - 9057
Billings Christian Sch - 9384
Billings Family YMCA - 6279
Billings Public Schools - 1007
Birch Creek Colony School - 9037
Birney Elementary - 0865
Bitterroot College of The University of Montana - 6256
Bitterroot Valley Coop - 6171
Blackfeet Community College - 6135
Blackfeet Early Childhood Cntr - 9512
Blackfeet Tribe - 6024
Blaine - 5002
Blaine Co Juvenile Detention - 6045
Blessed Trinity Schl - 9010
Bloomfield Elementary - 0381
Blue Creek Elementary - 1009
Bonner Elementary - 0698
Boulder Elementary - 0587
Box Elder Public Schools - 0564
Boys & Girls Club Glacier Co - 6228
Boys & Girls Club Msla Cnty - 6276
Boys & Girls Club of Lewistown - 6075
Boys & Girls Club of N Cheyenn - 6237
Boys & Girls Club of Red Lodge - 6245
Boys & Girls Club Yellowst Co - 6076
Boys & Girls Club-Lodge Grass - 6293
Boys & Girls Clubs N Cen MT - 6205
Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier - 6292
Boys/Girls Club Flathead Reser - 6239
Boys/Girls Club Little Rockies - 6238
Boys/Girls Club of Richland C - 6271
Bozeman Christian - 9424
Bozeman Public Schools - 0501
Bridger K-12 Schools - 0245
Bridger United Methodist Churc - 6266
Broadus Public Schools - 0799
Broadview Public Schools - 1017
Broadwater - 5003
Brockton Public Schools - 0861
Brorson Elementary - 0833
Browning Public Schools - 0545
Bureau of Indian Education - 6031
Business Professionals of Amer - 6097
Butte Central High School - 9043
Butte Christian School - 9481
Butte Kiwanis - 6047
Butte Montessori School - 9468
Butte Public Schools - 0902
Bynum Elementary - 0945
Cabinet Mountain Cooperative - 6183
Calvary Episcopal Church - 6263
Camp Mak-A-Dream - 6253
Cantlon Family Youth Home - 6164
Canyon Creek Elementary - 1010
Capstone Christian Academy - 9498
Carbon - 5004
Cardwell Elementary - 0589
Carroll College - 6115
Carter - 5005
Cascade - 5006
Cascade Co Extension Service - 6060
Cascade Co Reg Youth Home - 6223
Cascade County Juvenile Detent - 9520
Cascade Public Schools - 0280
Cayuse Prairie Elementary - 0471
Centerville Public Schls - 0282
Central Acres School - 9051
Central Elem School - 9382
Central Junior High - 9042
Central Mont Christian Sh - 9367
Central Montana Head Start Inc - 6242
Central MT Christian Schl - 9483
Central Mt Learn Res Ctr - 6172
Charlo Public Schools - 1042
Chester-Joplin-Inverness PS - 1073
Chief Dull Knife College - 6131
Child Start Inc. - 9519
Children's House - 9456
Chinook Public Schools - 0221
Chippewa-Cree Tribe - 6025
Choteau Adventist School - 9404
Choteau Public Schools - 0940
Chouteau - 5007
Chouteau Co Joint Service - 6210
Christ Assembly 4 Sq Acad - 9416
Christ's Church Academy - 9470
Christian Church in Montana - 6061
Christian Liberty Academy - 9449
Circle Public Schools - 0660
City College at Mont State Univ - Billings - 6158
Clancy Elementary - 0584
Clark Fork Christian Ctr - 9316
Clark Fork City Church - 6248
Cleveland-Lone Tree Elem - 0223
Clinton Elementary - 0703
Cohagen Elementary - 0532
Colstrip Public Schools - 0870
Columbia Falls Pub Schls - 0467
Columbus Public Schools - 0909
Commun,Counsel.& Corr.Ser Inc - 6273
Community Christian Schl - 9446
Community Health Partners - 6041
Conf Salish & Kootenai College - 6082
Conf Salish-Kootenai Tribes - 6030
Conrad Christian Schl - 9259
Conrad Public Schools - 0771
Cooke City Elementary - 0721
Cornerstone Christian Acd - 9330
Corvallis K-12 Schools - 0822
Cottonwood Elementary - 0508
Cottonwood Elementary - 0577
Cramer Creek School, Inc. - 9501
Creston Elementary - 0470
Crestview Academy - 9433
Cross Currents Chrstn Sch - 9247
Crow Tribe - 6026
Crow Tribe Head Start - 9513
CSKT Early Childhood Services - 9507
Ctr For Hndcpd Chldrn - 6201
Culbertson Public Schools - 0858
Custer - 5008
Custer K-12 Schools - 1014
Cut Bank Public Schools - 0546
Daniels - 5009
Darby K-12 Schools - 0827
Davey Elementary - 0563
Dawson - 5010
Dawson Community College - 6033
De La Salle Blackfeet School - 9502
DEAP Skyreach Group Home - 6198
DECA Montana Association - 6098
Deer Creek Elementary - 1029
Deer Lodge - 5011
Deer Lodge School District No1 - 0806
Deer Park Elementary - 0463
Deerfield Elementary - 0425
Denton Public Schools - 0439
Dept of Corrections-Adult - 6123
Dept of Corrections-Youth - 9073
DeSmet Elementary - 0700
Dillon Elementary - 0199
Disability Services-DPHHS - 9092
Discovery House - 6146
Discovery Schl Arts/Sci - 9427
Dist 4 Human Res Devel Council - 6230
District 6 HRDC - 6285
Divide Elementary - 0905
Dixon Elementary - 0879
Dodson K-12 - 0748
Downtown School - 9467
Drummond Public Schools - 0559
Dupuyer Elementary - 0768
Dutton/Brady K-12 Schools - 1072
East End Colony - 9275
East Glacier Park Elem - 0547
East Helena Public Schools - 0615
Eastern Yellowstone Coop - 6175
Ekalaka Public Schools - 1052
Elder Grove Elementary - 1012
Elliston Elementary - 0812
Elysian Elementary - 1019
EMI Children's Group Home - 6203
Ennis K-12 Schools - 0659
Eureka Public Schools - 0645
Evergreen Elementary - 0491
Fair-Mont-Egan Elementary - 0464
Fairfield Public Schools - 0946
Fairview Public Schools - 0834
Fallon - 5012
Fallon-Carter Co Extension Off - 6057
Family Career & Commun Leaders - 6100
Family Worship Center Sch - 9415
Farm Hands- NourishtheFlathead - 6289
Fergus - 5013
First Baptist Chrch Miles City - 6235
First Lutheran School - 9499
Fishtail Elementary - 0912
Flathead - 5014
Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp - 6063
Flathead Res/Lake Co Coalition - 6074
Flathead Special Ed. Coop - 6176
Flathead Valley Comm Col - 6034
Florence Crittenton Home - 6148
Florence Prever Rosten Fndtn - 9500
Florence-Carlton K-12 Schls - 0829
Flthd Lk United Methodist Camp - 6062
Flthd Lk Untd Methdst Camp - 6036
Forsyth Public Schools - 0866
Fort Belknap Adventist School - 6090
Fort Belknap Comm Council - 6048
Fort Belknap Head Start - 9511
Fort Belknap Tribes - 6027
Fort Benton Public Schls - 0307
Fort Peck Community College - 6136
Fort Peck Indian Youth Service - 9521
Fort Peck Tribes - 6028
Fort Peck Tribes Head Start - 6268
Fortine Elementary - 0646
Frazer Public Schools - 0976
Frenchtown K-12 Schools - 0706
Friendship Center - 6108
Froid Public Schools - 0863
Fromberg K-12 - 0255
Frontier Elementary - 0856
Galata Elementary - 0966
Galen Juvenile Facility - 6069
Gallatin - 5015
Gallatin College Montana State University - 6257
Gallatin Gateway Elem - 0512
Gallatin Valley Food Bank - 6038
Gallatin/Madison Coop - 6177
Gardiner Public Schools - 0718
Garfield - 5016
Garrison Elementary - 0811
Gentry Christian School - 9477
Geraldine Public Schools - 0324
Geyser K-12 Schools - 0600
GF Childrens Rcvg Home - 6160
Gildford Colony Elem - 1049
Girl Scouts of Montana and Wy - 6278
Girl Scouts Treasurer Trail - 6087
Glacier - 5017
Glacier View SDA - 9162
Glasgow K-12 Schools - 0975
Glendive Public Library - 6283
Glendive Public Schools - 0373
Golden Ridge Elementary - 0949
Golden Valley - 5018
Gospel Light School - 9435
Grace Lutheran Ch.of Hamilton - 6262
Grace Montessori Academy - 9503
Granite - 5019
Granite County Medical Foundat - 6252
Grant Elementary - 0197
Grass Range Public Schls - 0429
Great Beginnings - 9411
Great Divide Educ Serv - 6184
Great Falls Cent Cath HS - 9487
Great Falls College Montana State University - 6154
Great Falls Public Schls - 0278
Greater Gallatin United Way - 6112
Greenfield Elementary - 0953
Greycliff Elementary - 0929
Hall Elementary - 0558
Hall HS - 9476
Hamilton Christian Acad - 9372
Hamilton K-12 Schools - 0824
Hardin Public Schools - 0216
Harlem Public Schools - 0222
Harlowton Public Schools - 0990
Harrison K-12 Schools - 0657
Havre Public Schools - 0565
Hawks Home Elementary - 0259
Hays-Lodge Pole K-12 Schls - 0235
Head Start Inc Billings - 9515
Headwaters Academy - 9412
Hearst Free Library - 6064
Heart Butte K-12 Schools - 0767
Helena Christian School - 9458
Helena College University of Montana - 6155
Helena Community School - 9436
Helena Family YMCA - 6261
Helena Flats Elementary - 0474
Helena Public Schools - 0611
Hellgate Elementary - 0694
Helmville Elementary - 0810
HELP Com and Boys & Girls Club - 6113
Henry Wdswth Longfllw Acd - 9417
Heritage Baptist School - 9486
Heritge Chrstn Schl - 9077
Highlands College of Montana Tech - 6157
Highwood Public Schools - 0317
Hill - 5020
Hilldale Colony School - 9025
Hinsdale Public Schools - 0980
Hobson K-12 Schools - 0597
Hockaday Museum of Art - 6104
Holy Spirit Catholic Schl - 9485
Hot Springs K-12 - 0882
HRC XII Butte Head Start - 9506
HRDC 4- Northern Havre Head St - 9516
HRDC Bozeman Head Start - 9505
Human Resource Developmt Counc - 6244
Huntley Project K-12 Schls - 1020
Hysham K-12 Schools - 0973
Immaculate Hrt Of Mary Ac - 9432
Impact on Learning - 6259
Independent Elementary - 1025
Inter Traditional Games Soc - 6093
Intermountain Childrens Home - 9490
Jackson Elementary - 0207
Jefferson - 5021
Jefferson High School - 1033
Jeshurun Valley School - 9161
Joliet Public Schools - 0246
Jordan Public Schools - 0523
Judith Basin - 5022
Judith Gap Public Schools - 0992
Kairos Youth Services, Inc - 6139
Kalispell Montessori Cntr - 9343
Kalispell Public Schools - 0466
Kalispell Salvation Army - 6046
Kester Elementary - 0531
Kicking Hrs Job CCC - 6129
Kila Elementary - 0477
King Colony Elementary - 0432
Kinsey Elementary - 0357
Kircher Elementary - 0343
Knees Elementary - 0331
Kooteani Valley Christian - 9464
Kootenai Valley Head Start Inc - 6267
Lake - 5023
Lambert Public Schools - 0851
Lame Deer Public Schools - 0867
LaMotte Elementary - 0515
Laurel Baptist School - 9072
Laurel Public Schools - 1011
Lavina K-12 Schools - 0552
LEAP Into Life Inc. - 6109
Lewis & Clark - 5024
Lewistown Public Schools - 0420
Libby Advntst Elem Schl - 9065
Libby K-12 Schools - 0640
Liberty - 5025
Liberty Christian Academy - 6078
Liberty Christian School - 9079
Liberty Elementary - 1066
Lighthouse Christian Academy - 9492
Lima K-12 Schools - 0202
Lincoln - 5026
Lincoln K-12 Schools - 0624
Lindsay Elementary - 0382
Little Big Horn College - 6219
Livingston Public Schools - 0716
Lockwood Public Schools - 1008
Lodge Grass Public Schls - 0218
Lolo Elementary - 0696
Lone Rock Elementary - 0828
Loyola-Sacred Heart High - 9034
Lustre Christian High - 9048
Lustre Elementary - 0986
Luther Elementary - 1069
Lutheran Bible Camp Inc - 6056
LVA Bitterroot Inc - 6042
LVA Butte Literacy Program - 6231
MAACE - 6016
Madison - 5027
Malmborg Elementary - 0517
Malta K-12 Schools - 0757
Manhattan Christian High - 9022
Manhattan Public Schools - 0499
Marion Elementary - 0493
MBITE - 6099
MCASE - 6019
McCone - 5028
McCormick Elementary - 0647
McLeod Elementary - 0932
Meagher - 5029
Medicine Lake K-12 Schools - 0887
Melstone Public Schools - 0712
Melville Elementary - 0925
Miami Elementary - 0778
Middle Creek Montessori - 9497
Miles City Nutr Coalition - 6039
Miles City Nutrition Coalition - 6054
Miles City Public Schools - 0342
Miles Community College - 6032
Miller Colony School - 9268
Mineral - 5030
Mission Mountain School - 9434
Mission Of Joy - 6247
Mission Valley Christian - 9445
Missoula - 5031
Missoula Area Coop - 6179
Missoula Co Public Schls - 0692
Missoula College University of Montana - 6156
Missoula County Juvenile Deten - 9523
Missoula Food Bank, Inc. - 6265
Missoula Human Res Council - 6050
Missoula Mountain School - 9478
Missoula Youth Homes - 6141
MITEA - 6101
MNCESR - 6282
MNCSR - 6284
Monforton Elementary - 0511
Mont Sch for Deaf & Blind - 9089
Mont State Univ Billings-NYSP - 6073
Mont State Univ-Billings - 6119
Mont State Univ-Bozeman - 6121
Mont State Univ-Northern - 6114
Mont Tech of Univ of Mont - 6125
Montana Air National Guard - 6058
Montana Associat of Skills USA - 6096
Montana City Elementary - 0591
Montana Council Boy Scouts - 6059
Montana Empowerment Center,INC - 6290
Montana FFA Association - 6243
Montana School OT/PT Organizat - 6018
Montana Small Schools Alliance - 6221
Montana Youth Homes - 6166
Moore Public Schools - 0433
Morin Elementary - 1015
Mount Ellis Academy High - 9020
Mountain View Elementary - 1056
Mountainview Parochial - 9084
Msla Co Juvenile Deten Ctr - 6044
Mt Asso Of Sch Psy - 6197
MT Assoc for Bilingual Educ - 6092
Mt CEC - 6200
MT Council of Teachers of Math - 6229
Mt Helena Adventist - 9277
MT HOSA - 6106
MT Indian Education Assoc - 6094
MT Learning Center at Canyon F - 6103
Mt Occup Therapy Assc - 6013
MT Regis of Interp for Deaf - 6232
MT School Boards Assoc - 6095
Mt Spch Lang Hrg Asso - 6196
MT Technology Student Associat - 6102
Mt View Church School - 9031
Musselshell - 5032
MUST - 6286
Nashua K-12 Schools - 0982
National Youth Sports Prog - 6051
Nelson Agriculture Academy - 6251
New Day Group Home - 9457
New Life Assembly School - 9429
New Life Assembly School - 9430
New Rockport Colony Schl - 9044
Nkwusm School - 9494
North Cent Independent Living - 6088
North Cheyenne Trib Schools - 9001
North Ctrl Learn Res Ctr - 6180
North Harlem Colony Elem - 1048
North Star Public Schools - 1071
Northern Cheyenne Head Start - 9510
Northern Cheyenne Tribe - 6029
Northern Montana Youth Ranch - 6079
Northwest Montana Head Start - 9508
Noxon Public Schools - 0880
NW Indian Bible School - 9258
Nye Elementary - 0916
Olney-Bissell Elementary - 0494
Opheim K-12 Schools - 0981
Opportunities Inc Head Start - 9517
Our Lady Of Lourdes Schl - 9006
Ovando Elementary - 0808
Palisades - 9005
Park - 5033
Park City Public Schools - 0908
Park County Coop - 6181
Pass Creek Elementary - 0510
Pendroy Elementary - 0951
Petroleum - 5034
Philipsburg K-12 Schools - 0556
Phillips - 5035
Phillips Co Boys & Girls Club - 6111
Pine Creek Elementary - 0724
Pine Grove Elementary - 0530
Pine Haven Christ Yth Rch - 9383
Pines Academy School - 9039
Pioneer Elementary - 1023
Plains Public Schools - 0874
Pleasant Valley Elem - 0479
Plentywood K-12 Schools - 0891
Plevna K-12 Schools - 0418
PLUK - 6004
Polaris Elementary - 0205
Polson Public Schools - 0603
Pondera - 5036
Poplar Public Schools - 0857
Potomac Elementary - 0697
Powder River - 5037
Powder River Manor Nursing Hom - 6250
Powell - 5038
Powell County Literacy Program - 6043
Power Public Schools - 0948
Prairie - 5039
Prairie Peace Lutheran Church - 6260
Prairie View Coop - 6182
Pretty Eagle Cthlc Schl - 9080
Prickly Pear Coop - 6178
Pryor Public Schools - 0214
Ramsay Elementary - 0904
Rapelje Public Schools - 0917
Rau Elementary - 0837
Ravalli - 5040
Ravalli Head Start Inc - 9518
Red Lodge Public Schools - 0244
Reed Point Public Schools - 0910
Reichle Elementary - 0208
REM Montana Inc - 6207
REO Inc - 6022
Richey Public Schools - 0393
Richland - 5041
River of Life Ministries, Inc. - 6272
Roberts K-12 Schools - 0253
Rockport Colony School - 9045
Rocky Boy Head Start - 9509
Rocky Boy Public Schools - 1043
Rocky Mountain Bible Mission - 6084
Rocky Mountain College - 6122
Rocky Mtn Dev Counc Head Start - 9504
Rocky Mtn Development Council - 6067
Rocky Mtn Partner for Child - 6053
Ronan Public Schools - 1037
Roose-Valley Sp Ed Coop - 6202
Roosevelt - 5042
Rosebud - 5043
Rosebud Com. Hospital, Inc. - 6241
Rosebud Public Schools - 0869
Ross Elementary - 0539
Roundup Public Schools - 0711
Roundup Youth Center - 6107
Roy K-12 Schools - 0438
Ryegate K-12 Schools - 0549
S T E P - 6143
S Y Elementary - 0359
Saco Public Schools - 0756
Sacred Heart School - 9012
Salish-Kootenai Comm Coll - 6134
Sanders - 5044
Savage Public Schools - 0832
School Administrators of MT - 6258
School Services of Montana - 6275
Scobey K-12 Schools - 0363
SDA School - 9358
Seeley Lake Elementary - 0705
Shelby Public Schools - 0962
Shepherd Public Schools - 1022
Sheridan - 5045
Sheridan Public Schools - 0654
Sheridan/Daniels Coop - 6174
Shields Valley Pub Schls - 1068
Shiloh Christian Academy - 9428
Shodair Specialty Hosp - 9488
Sidney Public Schools - 0831
Silver Bow - 5046
Smith Valley Elementary - 0478
Somers Elementary - 0481
Spring Creek Colony Elem - 0445
Spring Creek Elementary - 0213
Spring Creek Lodge - 9480
Springdale Colony School - 9030
Springhill Elementary - 0506
St Andrews Schools - 9463
St Charles Mission Sc - 9002
St Francis Primary - 9054
St Ignatius K-12 Schools - 0605
St Joseph School - 9204
St Jude Thaddeus School - 9026
St Labre Schools - 9040
St Mary's School - 9035
St Matthew School - 9018
St Paul Mission Schl - 9004
St Regis K-12 Schools - 0690
St. Mary's Mission Parish - 6240
Stanford K-12 Schools - 0593
Stevensville Public Schls - 0823
Stevensville United Methodist - 6291
Stillwater - 5047
Stillwater Christian School - 9248
Stillwater/Swt Grass Coop - 6185
Stone Child College - 6133
Sugar & Spice - 9409
Sun River Valley Pub Schls - 1067
Sunburst K-12 Schools - 0955
Sunny Lorea School - 9447
Sunset Elementary - 0702
Superior K-12 Schools - 0688
Surprise Creek Colony - 9063
Sussex School - 9067
Swan Lake-Salmon Elem - 0610
Swan River Elementary - 0465
Swan Valley Elementary - 0704
Swan Valley Youth Academy - 6070
Sweet Grass - 5048
Sweet Grass County HS - 0939
Target Range Elementary - 0701
Ted Lechner Youth Services - 9522
Terry K-12 Schools - 0818
Teton - 5049
The Learning Circle - 9368
Thompson Falls Pub Schls - 0875
Three Forks Public Schls - 0509
Tongue River Farms LLC - 9479
Toole - 5050
Townsend K-12 Schools - 1051
Trail Creek Elementary - 0347
Trapper Crk Job CCC - 6130
Treasure - 5051
Treasure State Academy - 9082
Trego Elementary - 0651
Tri County Coop - 6186
Trinity Elementary - 0614
Trinity Lutheran School - 9017
Trinity Lutheran School - 9052
Trout Creek Elementary - 0877
Troy Community Baptist Church - 6254
Troy Public Schools - 0639
Turner Public Schools - 0234
Twin Bridges K-12 Schools - 0655
Two Eagle River Schools - 9068
Ulm Elementary - 0305
Univ of Montana-Missoula - 6120
University of Great Falls - 6116
University of Montana Western - 6118
University of MT Foundation - 6124
Upper West Shore Elem - 1046
Valier Public Schools - 0775
Valley - 5052
Valley Adventist Schl - 9016
Valley Christian High Schl - 9282
Valley View Christian Sch - 9399
Valley View Elementary - 0607
Valley View SDA - 9083
Vaughn Elementary - 0301
Victor K-12 Schools - 0826
Vida Elementary - 0678
Watson Children's Shelter, Inc - 6298
West Glacier Elementary - 1065
West Valley Elementary - 1027
West Yellowstone Comm. Task Fo - 6264
West Yellowstone K-12 Schls - 0520
Westby K-12 Schools - 0885
Western Montana Mental Health - 6071
Westside Christian Acad - 9279
Wheatland - 5053
White Clay Immersion School - 9496
White Sul Spgs Pub Schls - 0681
Whitefish Public Schools - 0487
Whitehall Public Schools - 0585
Whitewater K-12 Schools - 0760
Wibaux - 5054
Wibaux K-12 Schools - 0997
Willow Creek Public Schls - 0504
Winifred K-12 Schools - 0447
Winnett K-12 Schools - 0743
Wisdom Elementary - 0203
Wise River Elementary - 0201
WMPLC - 6274
Wolf Creek Elementary - 0618
Wolf Point Public Schools - 0860
Women's Correctional - 6216
Woodman Elementary - 0699
World Family School - 9061
Wyola Elementary - 0219
Yaak Elementary - 0650
Yellowstone - 5055
Yellowstone Academy Elem - 1032
Yellowstone Bible Camp - 6236
Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch - 9374
Yellowstone/W Carbon Coop - 6188
Youth Advisory Council- LiFT - 6288
Youth Advisory Council: N D O - 6287
Youth Dynamics, Inc. - 6234
Youth Services Center - 6208
Zurich Elementary - 0225